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Subject: On the Subject of IP

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Date Posted: 8/10/02 12:40pm
In reply to: Jenn 's message, "Tyrs Son" on 8/10/02 8:35am

I've always had a theory, which was re-inforced in "Immaculate Perception", see if I'm making any sense :)

Facts from Eps:

The Kodiak Pride was given Drago-Museveni's remains to protect, until the Dragan's decided they were the rightful guardians.

The Drago-Kazov wiped out Kodiak Pride, to get the remains, and kept the Kodiak allies from helping.

The Genites specifically targeted Orca Pride because the info was leaked out about the genetically reincarnated child...

Tyr's grandfather? was said to be the Genetic match for a previous Alpha.

Okay so here's what I think:

The Kodiak were given protectorship of Drago-Museveni because somehow, someone down the line suspected the re-incarnation of Drago would appear in their Pride. The Dragans found out or suspected, and proceeded to wipe out every last Kodiak:

a) because they couldn't stand another Pride having that sort of power

b) they'd tried to unite the Prides before the Battle of Witchhead - and it all fell apart

c) they're probably the largest Pride and are still trying to take over

d) with Kodiak out of the way, perhaps they could somehow produce the Messianic child

Perhaps they deliberately left Tyr alive during the Kodiak slaughter because they suspected he would be the one to bring the child into being, then later kill him off and take the child as their own, as Dimitri tried...

I can't help but wonder if a DK agent working at the genetic testing station, somewhere along the line passed the information about Tamerlane to the Genites, which allowed them to wipe out a few select smaller Prides, then go directly to Orca. This would keep suspicion off the Dragans.

What do you think?


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Subject Author Date
Re: On the Subject of IPJenn 8/10/02 1:06pm

Re: On the Subject of IPCherubino12/10/02 5:20pm

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