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Subject: Tyrs Son

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Date Posted: 8/10/02 8:35am

Ok, I know this is going back to last season, but I think it's an interesting subjuct. I'm going to start at the conversation at the end of the episode. Dylan knew Tyr was lieing. He let the lie stand for a couple reasons. First to protect and innocent child, who is the son of his best friend. There is also the fact that Dylan "treats everything like its a game of Goh, thinking three steps ahead" He knows that Tyr could one day use his son to unite the Nietzians against his new Commonwealth, but he also knows that he could unite them IN the Commonwealth and keep them from rebeling.
There is also the question of why Tyr came back. He said that he knew Dylan wouldn't quite looking, which is true. Andromeda is not only Tyrs home, his Pride, it is also a GREAT place for him to get things ready for his son. To make preperations for his son to come out of hiding. Of course, there's the problem that if Tyr had disapeared at the same tme as his son then was later seen with a child it would blow the cover story of him being dead. No other Neitzian would believe that Tyr would willing leave his son if he were still alive so showing up alone on the Andromeda should convince them. Last but not least, to prove his son is the genetic reincarnation of Drago he needs the remains which are on the Andromeda.
This brings up the question of how Tyr got the genetic sample he used to test the DNA. He could have kept it from when he had the remains earlier, but I don;t think so. I think he asked Dylan and as a show of friendship Dylan gave him access to the remains. (maybe I'll write a fanfic peice of the scene) Any other opinions?
One last hing I have to add. I love the last conversation. Especially the talk of friendship. T:...because you are my friend. You are my friend, Sir. Are you not? D: Yes, I am. I don't think this was Tyr trying to manipulate Dylan.He knows that Dylan knows he is lieing about his son. He is telling Dylan that even though he's lieing to him he still thinks of Dylan as a friend. I think that's why he says it twice when Tyr usually doesn't repeat himself. He then asks Dylan if he is still his friend. If Dylan will accept that the lie doesn't mean they aren't friends. Dylan says yes. (Then gives him access to the remains as proof of his friendship.) This shows a great deal of trust on both sides. Tyr, that Dylan won't expose his lie to others, and Dylan that Tyr won't use his son to lead the Neitzians against Dylan in the future. Dylan and Tyr do trust each other, friends have to or ti's not really friendship. It's not complete, blind trust, that would be foolish. Tyr respects Dylan more for being cautious enough not to trust completely. Friendship also needs respect. I loved the conversation in an earlier episode when Tyr tells Dylan "You should never trust any Neitzian. Except me, of course." "Of course." Yes, there is some irony and humor in that but Tyr is telling Dylan that he can trust him.
So, that's a long enough post on my thoughts. Would like to hears some other peoples ideas on this subject.

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On the Subject of IPMaigrey 8/10/02 12:40pm

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