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Subject: My spin on the Wheel

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Date Posted: 5/10/02 6:06pm

I have read many negative reviews on this episode, the reviewers are upset about the sudden changes in the charecters and weird situations. I saw this episode in a very different light. I noticed the allusions to the European surrealistic cinema, quite a lot of them.

I saw Fellini and Bunuel in every frame. The kitten was just perfect, it actually could have meant a lot of things -- a symbol of betrayal, deviousness, or again, the reference to Fellini (Fellini - a feline, etc., I have seen it done before). The visions and mirages, the colliding and twisting realities -- 'The Discreet Charm of Bourgeoisie' and '8 1/2'; the Tunnel as a living, controlling entity -- hello from Tarkovsky (Solaris).

I know, we all prefer the tougher Tyr, but most of the film (pardon me, the episode, although it has a film potential) it was not the real Tyr, it was the product of the entity, and later he was confused. Imagine all his Nietzschean beliefs and postulates go down the drain in one day! Let alone his bone blades. He is lost and he doesn't now how to cope.

As for Dylan's friendship remark -- I think it is the same thing that happened in Immaculate Perception -- when Tyr, after feeding Dylan all these lies asks him, "You are my friend, Sir, are you not?" This is the 'friendship' Dylan is alluding to. And I think Tyr knows it.

Well, that's what I think, I may be wrong, but -- we'll see!


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Subject Author Date
Re: My spin on the WheelMaigrey 6/10/02 12:03am

Re: My spin on the WheelJenn 7/10/02 8:15am

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