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Subject: Re: On being called a coward... [rant]

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Date Posted: 20/10/02 8:40pm
In reply to: Amorette 's message, "Re: On being called a coward... [rant]" on 20/10/02 8:13pm

Thanks Cherubino, Amorette,

I felt a lot better after I ranted and even though I've been reading over at that mudslinging forum most of the day [when I should be working on updates], now I'm just wondering why I thought I could have made a difference in the first place... I've been watching Little Sue get torn apart, in a thread she started where she just wanted some answers *sigh* I'm not surprised she lost her temper, and felt she was being attacked in the mildest of posts - I would have too.

Cherubino, I left Keith and Gordon's boards ages ago, because the bashing there can be worse, they'll bash anyone except the Star of the Board in question.

Another reason I left, if you haven't noticed... Troll Kingdom is back and they're just preparing to attack. You know the saying "Know your enemy"? I've been to their board, I know their names and they're not even bothering to hide this time around. They were thrilled when they caused SS to pull signatures and images, and now almost a dozen of them are actively posting - sucking the newbies in with their sweettalk...

Amorette, I can't take Nsaids or anything aspirin based, thanks to recurring ulcers. I could invest in expensive meds to protect my stomach, but it's just a waste. I have my zantac and Ty 3's work - most of the time and I can get prescriptions from my Doc whenever I need them. I've been on Darvon as well - it's a cancer strength painkiller that did absolutely nothing for me.

And while I really liked Michael Hurst [Iolaus], Kevin Smith was the man who, even now, makes my heart skip a beat.

I don't know what's wrong with me lately, but I feel so empty inside. And so alone. And hurting.

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Re: On being called a coward... [rant]LoveKHC26/10/02 3:56pm

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