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Subject: Re: On being called a coward... [rant]

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Date Posted: 20/10/02 8:13pm
In reply to: Cherubino 's message, "Re: On being called a coward... [rant]" on 20/10/02 7:55pm

I am also one of those who left the Slipstream forums. I first checked in in March of 2001 and was surprised at the negativity. I distinctly remember a "dump Kevin Sorbo" thread. Went back in August of 2001, registered, made one post, about what I don't even remember, just that the response I got drove me away. Tried again in September of this year, got slammed for my troubles and left again. Quietly.

I hate to think what the Trek BBS is like if the Slipstream is considered "nicer'" than the Trek site.

Positive posts and posters are attacked by people who raise hypocrisy to new levels. Phagh. I can live without them. Especially since everything I hear about upcoming episodes is GOOD.

Oh, and Mai, neither Tylenol nor Codeine ever did anything for some chronic pain problems I have. My Dr. said some drugs just don't work on some people. I even found Darvon to be a waste. Plain old Advil (or the generic) taken in prescription doses (OTC is 200 mg. Script is 800mg. Dr. told me four generic ibuprofen is cheaper than script.) works best for me.

I take the nsaids with generic pepcid to reduce acid problems and viola! I also take (generic) Prozac and have for years. My husband keeps track and makes sure I get refills on time. I think he finds me much easier to live with when I'm happy!

Good luck with the dentures. It's one of those miserable things that, in the long run, you know will be for the best but gad! getting through it is a pain. In more ways than one. But once you get through it, I bet your find your general health improves. Nothing is harder on the whole body than chronic tooth troubles.

So . . .smile? Since gritting your teeth is probably out. And remember, Iolaus loves you. Heheheh.


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Re: On being called a coward... [rant]Maigrey20/10/02 8:40pm

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