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Subject: Re: On being called a coward... [rant]

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Date Posted: 26/10/02 3:56pm
In reply to: Maigrey 's message, "Re: On being called a coward... [rant]" on 20/10/02 8:40pm

It's like I was telling a friend lately, the world's just so darn funny you have to laugh or go mad. Personally, I fluctuate between laughing and madness but I try to remember that happiness is choice, not a state of mind.

I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling better yet. I too get migraines. I can't take much for the pain due to serious acid-reflux. A non-script soother - chamomile tea. Even during my worst headaches, it at least makes me feel a bit better. Just drop the bag in the cup and leave it there, the stronger the better.

As for the nay-sayers, F*** 'em if they can't take a joke! People take these shows waaayy too seriously methinks. I generally don't post to boards because there are too many nutcases out there. I really like your site and hope to give you a little encouragement in your dark days.

There's a short poem someone wrote while I was in high school,
"It was dark, but you get used to that after you see things in the light"
You saw the light at SS. I have only posted there once and decided it was the last time.

[Hug] Get better soon.

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