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Subject: Re: On being called a coward... [rant]

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Date Posted: 22/10/02 8:22am
In reply to: Maigrey 's message, "On being called a coward... [rant]" on 20/10/02 2:19am

I've been noticing far to much bashing and flaming as well. I have been surfing the Andromeda boards in general today (bored at college, got have something to do) and noticed the same thing you all do. I may not have enjoyed episodes 302 and 303 very much, but I am convinced by the few good sayers that it will pick up. And I'l be damned if I'm gona be sucked in by people who want nothing more than to spread chaos and disorder.
I am a huge Andromeda fan (order all the S1 DVDs from UK and a very expensive player capable of running them) and really don't want to hear all the bashing going on especialy when the people who do have some constructive imput get flamed to hell. To much personal insult are bouncing between the boards anymore and there is no real discussions going on, not even at the main Andromeda boreds, even their moderators are quitting on them because they can't stand trying to defend against the naysayers and flamers.
I've decided its probably better I stay away from those boreds before I get into one of my superioristic moods and starts going after the flamers with posts they couldn't hope to comprehend (I place little respect for the intelligence of people like that). Anyway I'm an Andromeda fan and always will be unless they really screw something up. No ammount of ranting or flaming or personal insults will change that.
Also, hope you feel well soon Maigrey, I know how it can be not being able to sleep because of pain. I have cronic sinus infections that make my head feel like its 2 sizes to small on a regular basis and mild sleep apnea that wakes me up several times a night. Best wishes to you and I will keep you in my prayers as well.


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Re: On being called a coward... [rant]Amorette22/10/02 9:48pm

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