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Date Posted: 14:43:15 02/06/25 Thu
Author: I stand by my statement
Subject: The person I called a racist said the following , " That is true even if you don’t like it. Many freed slaves did learn skills such as farming that they used once they were freed. "
In reply to: Disgusting lies 's message, "You really should apologize to the person you called a racist. Your post is not factual and rude" on 14:00:52 02/06/25 Thu

I'm sorry, I don't care if she is purple with pink polka dots, that's a hurrendus comment to make about human beings!! My statement is factual as far as this country and it's MAGA lunatics rewriting history to absolve themselves from the brutal and racist history that is a reality , whether you or anyone else likes it. The only people trying to eliminate this history are the people who yearn to go back to the Jim Crow glory days. I'm not telling disgusting lies.....
School districts in at least 24 states are altering/white washing or refusing to teach the correct history to children so little Johnny doesn't have to feel bad, FACT.
School boards are being terrorized by the so called "freedom moms" (sweet jesus🙄) FACT
Books are being banned. FACT

The United States of America is a PROFOUNDLY racist country, as evidenced by the fact that it's response to the first black president was Donald Trump. White Christian Nationalism is not unique to the US but they have taken it to a very special kind of evil place.

I am a dual citizen , I'll go where I please

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