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Date Posted: 13:59:54 05/23/04 Sun
Author: Donna A.
Subject: It's not the theology, it's the methodology
In reply to: fellow christian 's message, "Re: The other side of the medal is Scientology" on 09:19:39 05/14/04 Fri

>>Are you aware of the fact that this web site was made
>>by Scientology for cult apologetic purposes?
>Ok, I did not know that. But you can't say that APA is
>a scientologist organization. The fact is that the
>best scientists today (like the psychologists at APA)
>don't use the term brainwashing nor the other
>equivalent terms, one of which is also "love bombing".
>In my eyes, the purpose of those sites I quoted is the
>protection of religous freedom and of religous
>minorities. While this strengthens sects like
>scientology, it also guarantees us, christian
>minorities, the freedom of religion we expect from our
>You can argue that scientology is a sect because of
>their wrong beliefs. But you have to respect their
>freedom of choice and their personality. You have to
>talk to them and teach them the bible and they will
>respond, because their are thinking and feeling human
>beings just like you and I. No reason for the
>judgement "brainwashed". That's the scientific
>statement beyond any doubt.

First of all, counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists DO USE the term brainwashing, coercive persuasion, thought-reform...see my recent posting regarding the APA's current position of these terms under the recent discussion about the APA.

The fact is that all of us here believe in protecting religious freedoms. One way to understand this is to see that the problem is not in the theology, but in the methodology that groups like UBF use. The deceptive and manipulative practices are what most of us have a problem with when it comes to talking about personal freedoms in any discussion regarding cults. By exposing these insidious problems that exist in UBF for example, we then can promote the very religious freedoms that we all uphold.

Many of us as christians then, also have a problem with the fact that UBF's theology (as they claim to believe in the Bible and claim they are christians) is also twisted in many many areas (nowhere in the Bible does it promote deception and manipulation as it is practiced in UBF). When we start talking about deception and manipulation, we then enter into a discussion about "thought-reform" or whatever term you wish to use. Using that term is not being disrespectful. It is a descriptive term, rather than giving a long narrative of what that means each and every time it is being discussed. But for the purposes of understanding the differences, it helps to separate the theology from the methodology.

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