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Date Posted: 15:08:38 05/27/04 Thu
Author: Nick T.
Subject: short post about brainwashing and manipulation

This is meant to respond to an icredibly long winded post by fellow christian, who seems to be essentially saying that there is no such thing as brainwashing, mind control, thought control, thought reform, manipulation, coercion, deception, etc. I got the impression that this mysterious person wants us to beleive that there is no way anything ungodly could take place in an environment like ubf where they are 'helping sutdents to study the Bible and live according to its teachings,' 'raising spiritual leaders', making disciples of Jesus', etc.

The fact is that there are numerous groups where very unBiblical and ungodly things are being done, despite proclaiming absolute obedience to the Bible. I looked around for some explanation of how can the two seemingly exlcusive programs co-exist? How can a group on one hand spend all their time 'teaching the Bible', and yet be accused of damaging people thru brainwashing?

I would like to provide an easy to read article on what may be a valid answer. This group who published this article has nothing to do with ubf, but the article can very easily be used to describe ubf. Please read it several times:


To me, the author is saying that

1. the mind control phenomena is real, but it is a whole series of actions and interactions. [Mind control is not a precise medical condition like a cold or flu virus. fellow christian wants to say mind control does not exist like a cold, so there is no mind control. He is lying.]

2. Mind control is done under SYSTEMATIC DECEPTIONS specifically designed to take away the subjects ability to think critically and rationally. So even though a group is always 'teaching the Bible', the persistent deceptions about the group can cause great harm to memebers who go along and are misled and exploited. This is very evident in the case of the ubf. It has been going on since 1961.

3. Mind control is very accurately described by the eight criteria as described by Robert J. Lifton.

There are numerous good articles about mind control. There are also various techniques of mind control. One is through the use of violence such as in times of war, or on a group like the victims of the Holocaust (this is the use of fear, real or imagined). Some use other psychological means such as appealing to a person' sinful pride (elitism), desire to belong, desire for honor (real or imagined honor) isolation, total dependency, etc. One article said that there are 16 basic needs/reasons why young people join cults. Can you find the article and name all 16 reasons? Please educate yourself on the subject untill you can speak very intelligently about it.

Please ignore someone like fellow christian when he wants to convince you that there is no such thing as mind control. He is perfectly implementing the cult strategy of impairing your ability to think rationally and critically, in this case, to ruin your ability to think about the ubfcult.

Questions, comments, or complaints please e-mail to


PS- fellow christian, when will you respond to Chris' question? If there is no such thing as brainwashing, why did both EE Chang Woo and 'Stephanus' Park both use the very word brainwashing when attackng someone who stood up to ubf? By the way, what is the real name of this 'Stephanus' Park? He is a disgrace to the name Stephanus.

Anyway, FC, when are you going to be man enough to answer such a simple question?

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