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Date Posted: 02:16:10 02/01/05 Tue
Author: Mike K.
Subject: Generals
In reply to: Definition of Love(now: Unworthy) 's message, "How Beautiful II" on 00:59:43 02/01/05 Tue

First off, i think this is the most close minded discussion board I have ever come across in my lifetime. Believe it or not. Arrogance will get you no where, and u will run in circles amongst urselves.
I'd suggest you go find the board "The Bereans" and go to "Nee, Lee and the Church of Recovery" for a change. You will see what a closed mindset is. The people who are defending their little subculture there wouldn't realize proof if you showed them recorded audio tapes with the words of their leaders! ;)

2nd Show me proof. I have done extensive research and met some key people as well.
So have we. Peter Chang was the director in my chapter. I have personally met several "missionaries" from across the globe. Others on this board had the "privilege" or "serving" directly under Samuel Lee for a decade. Is he a key person?
Show me proof of the "extensive research" you have done?
Have you read the testimonies on ubf-info.de?
Are you aware that from a biblical point of view, 2-3 witnesses are sufficient, but that some of the events in question have been testified by more than 10 witnesses?
Is you standard of "proof" higher than that of the Bible?

3rd I despise ignorance above all things. Ignorance is the sickest disease in mankind. You all make assumptions... And I.... HATE.. such things.. Most of the people here.. have never met the people I know that for a fact.. they read what random people on the
We also hate ignorance.
This is why there are some here who took the effort to put up the real history of UBF, who collect facts about UBF, in a fashion where they are freely accessible to all.
Now, you say people here are making assumptions, and then go on to say that "most people have never met the people" - well, are YOU making assumptions here, how do you know that for a fact? If you know on our background for a fact, let's start: what do you know about Nick T., who probably is the strongest voice against UBF here? What do you know about Chris, the person who diligently goes into details? What do you know about TruthSeeker? What do you know about me?
Facts, or assumptions?

4th, do you know how this whole anti-ubf thing started? Do you know how and why this whole thing started? it's not what you think. You might not even know the real purpose behind this website.
Well, this sounds like trollbait. No assumption, no attack. That's a fact. Elaborate. Don't use trollbait here. It doesn't make you friends. Post facts if you know more about this website than the moderators.

And the part where you're starting to shout, I won't even comment on.
Anger is not a fruit of the Holy Spirit.

In Christ,
Mike K.

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  • Re: How Beautiful II -- DesireeS. Ray, 12:13:41 02/01/05 Tue

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