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Date Posted: 00:59:43 02/01/05 Tue
Author: Definition of Love(now: Unworthy)
Subject: How Beautiful II
In reply to: Definition of Love 's message, "How beautiful" on 01:46:35 01/27/05 Thu

Actually I'm not a new memeber at all, I've been watching them for a while, and i have often participated myself. And the thing is I haven't been told to do a message or anything like that, actually not much contact in the sense that you see it.

First off, i think this is the most close minded discussion board I have ever come across in my lifetime. Believe it or not. Arrogance will get you no where, and u will run in circles amongst urselves.

2nd Show me proof. I have done extensive research and met some key people as well.

3rd I despise ignorance above all things. Ignorance is the sickest disease in mankind. You all make assumptions... And I.... HATE.. such things.. Most of the people here.. have never met the people I know that for a fact.. they read what random people on the internet have posted. Pretty sad really.

4th, do you know how this whole anti-ubf thing started? Do you know how and why this whole thing started? it's not what you think. You might not even know the real purpose behind this website. I'm not attacking it tho. I really hate attacking


6th Let us please investigate Billy Graham. The greatest evangelist in our century. He has saved many and the fruit of his work are still affecting the world today. Such people include Max Lucado. I'm sure you should know him at least. When he was evangelizing in Berlin. MANY newspapers wanted him to stop, so they printed MANY stories about him. False charges. This website declares that 2 or more witnesses are enuff to convict someone. Then how about the pharisees who brought multiple false testimonies. Billy Graham was accused of womanizing, misappropriating money, believe it or not being a cult leader, and he still is being called a cult leader today, if you don't believe me, INVESTIGATE yourself, ignorance is not good.... But one day, some reporter came to him and asked, these people accuse you, and yet you do not say anything in your defense? Kind of similar isn't it? Also in the Bible, several people were accused the same way. Billy Graham answered that wherever there is a ministry of Christ, there will always be opposition. And that he knows he did not do anything wrong, God himself is the witness. Such things like these only hinder ministries. These false testimonies should not be bothered too much, because it will take time away from ministry. It is comparable to the spiritual battle field. If you give up a little to argue and quarrel with these false testimonies, tabloid like things, then Satan will gain another foothold on the space you lost to argue and quarrel. He said that he would not give up an inch to Satan. And to this day, we can see the fruit. Jesus said to judge by the fruit of the labor. UBF has done great things, and the fruit is visible, yet you only see the negative things. It's a pattern aint it? Did you ever see Jesus attacking anyone and ridiculing people in this manner?

WOE TO YOU HYPOCRITES, woe to you, you who say that UBF makes fun of former sheep. NO!! It is you who make fun of UBF, while the people at UBF LITERALLY CRY OVER THEIR LOST SHEEP, WHILE YOU, IF YOU THINK THAT UBF IS SO BAD, YOU WOULD CRY INSTEAD OF RIDICULE THEM. YOU HYPOCRITES, RETHINK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE, ARE YOU REALLY GOD'S SERVANT'S?!?!? OR WEAK IGNORANT PEOPLE WHO CANNOT TAKE GOD'S CHARACTER?!?!?! Woe to you I say. I cannot imagine how people of God can be so hypocritical to JUDGE and RIDICULE these people, if they are misled, you should shed tears for them, not such mockery. I cannot believe a tru believer would do such things. I have seen both sides, believe me or not, but that is true. The people in UBF cry for former members, they do not ridicule, and you... HOW DARE YOU, in the name of our sacred God... YOU SHAME HIM. Right now.. I can hear you even now.. reading this, thinking to yourself ARROGANTLY, "peh.. another one.. whatever, this guy does not know what he's talking about, another brainwashed cretin." Do you honestly thing Jesus taught such arrogant thinking? I do not see any humility, no love.. no grief for the supposed lost ones of UBF, only CONDEMNATION, CONDEMNATION, AND MORE CONDEMNATION AND RIDICULE. I cry.

All I ask is that you reconsider and reevaluate all that you have heard from this website. I'm not attacking it no, I just ask that you yourself look toward the facts, don't rely on these simple sources run by a few unknown people. right now you are thinking that what I am saying is Bull isn't it? Such arrogance... I am very saddened, I see these 2 people. Whether you are right or not, you decide, I just cannot say.. that the people at UBF, who literally cry for lost people are truly bad... compared to the people here at this website. I have been kind of member of UBF for quite sum time, and none of what the few people have claimed has been confirmed. I have investigated things myself, and journeyed to many places, all i can see is.. what the evidence points out.. and what all logical and critical minds should conclude too... is that the mockers, the scoffers, the ridiculers, the proud, the arrogant, the people who attack a literally undefending church.. are the ones that are to blame for anything at all. This is simply a logical interpretation, YOU DON'T HAVE TO CHANGE YOUR MIND OR NOT, BUT I IMPLORE YOU TO REEVALUATE THIS ALL, AND NOT TAKE ANYONE'S OPINIONS WITHOUT FURTHER QUESTIONING



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