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Date Posted: 04:36:30 02/01/05 Tue
Author: Chris
Subject: Re: My conclusions
In reply to: Definition of Love 's message, "How beautiful" on 01:46:35 01/27/05 Thu

This whole discussion gets more and more strange and it gets more and more clear that "Unworthy" is not interested in discussion, but more in "trolling" and confusing people by throwing a lot of smoke bombs.

Typically, he doesn't reveal his identity. All the people who took part in this thread except Tony have been committed UBF "shepherds" for years, some for 10 years or more. They know how the headquarters and a typical UBF chapter modeled after the headquartres look from inside. Nearly all of us wrote using their real names. Our identity is no secret. We know each other and those who have read this board know who we are, where we live, what we experienced. I have also published my email address and others did the same in case you did not follow the board and have questions about our identity.

So it would have been polite and helpful if "Unworthy" had at first introduced himself before engaging in a flame war calling us "ignorant," "brainwashed" and other things and our postings "absurd." Later, in chunks, "Unworthy" revealed the following about himself (quotations):

* ubf meetings. I never even attended one officially. If anything I was spying.
* I don't only go to UBF you know, I go to many other churches surrounding my area.
* I don't even live in the same state as the UBF chapter I attend
* the leaders.. people like me who rarely ever spend time with them

With other words, according to what you claim about yourself, you are neither a commited UBF member (UBF "shepherd") nor a typical UBF member, but an outside observer somewhere at the periphery, more "spying" than coworking.

It is self-evident that non-commited members and outsiders cannot know how UBF looks inside, they can only know how UBF looks outside and even that seems to be pretty limited despite your claims that you traveled the whole world and studied centuries and history and have a completely objective sight.

There is a wise rule that Internet trolls will disappear when they are not feeded, so I will stop any communication on that level unless you reveal your true identity. I agree with Mike that a lot of what you wrote smells like "Troll baits." I am not in the mood of playing games here.

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  • Re: How beautiful -- Joe Chung, 08:56:27 02/01/05 Tue

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