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Date Posted: 16:59:32 02/01/05 Tue
Author: PECAS
Subject: Some observations
In reply to: Definition of Love 's message, "How beautiful" on 01:46:35 01/27/05 Thu

After reading Unworthy's postings and the responses, I have some observations.

First, Unworthy states that there is not sufficient proof that UBF has abused and deceived its members. There is significant testimony regarding the abusive practices of UBF in the testimonies on this website, ubf.info.de, and escape ubf. There is further evidence in student newspapers, local newspapers, and on cult websites. The housing issues are public record. The testimonies are first-hand accounts regarding the abusive behavior. What more evidence is necessary?

Second, I am asking Unworthy to stop saying 'duh' in his posts. This is a contractictory word used in conversation to make the user of 'duh' feel superior to those with whom he or she talks. Basically, Unworthy implies that the respondent should know the answer and is stupid for not knowing. 'Only an idiot thinks that way or does not understand.' In a public forum, we should be able to discuss disagreements without name-calling.

Third, Unworthy admits he is not and has never been a committed member of UBF. Unless one is on the inside, the abusive behavior can be difficult to observe. Listening to testimonies and messages and talking with UBF members will rarely, if ever, provide sufficient information. As UBF members, we were trained, both subtly and aggressively not to discuss UBF in a negative context, expecially to outsiders. I remember that while I was in UBF, I did not discuss with any new person or infrequent guest about how I was mistreated during two training periods and how the chapter leaders only wanted me to obey them rather than God. I would be positive by discussing the prayers topics to teach the Bible to many college students, raising disciples, and sending missionaries all over the world. Current members will rarely discuss their true frustrations. For example, if I would have discussed my frustrations about UBF with a guest and my chapter director and his wife would have found out, they would have rebuked my harshly for many hours, accusing me of ruining the environment, discouraging a potential sheep, having a complaining heart, being self-centered, and proud. I would have had to write a repentant testimony in which I repented speaking honestly about my problems with UBF. Very few current members want to risk the wrath of their chapter leaders, so they will sugar-cost any comments about UBF.

Fourth, I understand Unworthy's original post. I used to think the same way. I thought UBF shepherds had the best intentions. I thought that the main focus of UBF was to teach the gospel of Jesus. Unfortunately, I was mistaken. In my time as a shepherd, I followed the style of shepherding/discipling I learned from my shepherds. The result was that I encouraged sheep to do what I wanted rather than what God. I realized that my shepherds had also done the same. They only wanted me to obey them rather than God.

In Christ,


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