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Date Posted: 02:20:07 02/15/05 Tue
Author: Mike K.
Subject: Re: questions
In reply to: ubf member 's message, "questions" on 19:12:56 02/14/05 Mon

1) Is ubf totally corrupted (leaders and "lower members")?

This isn't a boolean answer, since it touches many things.

From a doctrinal point of view, UBF is quite corrupt, this is touching mainly the things proclaimed in SWS messages and as such repeated by the rank+file in sogams. UBF's doctrine has some points of merit, but very little because they focus on self, UBF-style "mission" (which is not the same as biblical mission imo), re-education of adults etc, all those things are not Christ Jesus the Lord Himself but small deviations. And those are "corruption".

From an ethical point of view, the UBF encourages unbiblical practices s.a. total control (mediation aka "Shepherding") with all the strings attached. This is the ethical corruption of the system UBF which only finds it's expression in members.

From a personal point of view, some UBF leaders are totally corrupt in exercising unbiblical control, practices etc. This is the corruption of some of the top "exemplary" leaders.

While not all leaders are like that, the other leaders have first and foremost failed to rebuke and call to discipline these abusive leaders, sharing in their guilt.
This is the corruption of the remaining leadership.

And consequentially, the average UBF coworker tolerates being in a system where some people can exercise unchecked unbiblical authority and even be praised for their "mission spirit". Those coworkers may feel a twitch in their conscience, but few actually do and the usual action taken at a twitch of conscience towards this unbiblical control is: do nothing. This is also corruption, sharing in the guilt of the UBF sub-society.
And that is the corruption of the r+f membership.

From this standpoint, the doctrine and ethics of UBF are corrupt and probably each and every UBF member is to some extent corrupt. As such, UBF is a totally corrupt organization. Some believers in Christ are being exploited in that system, but I'd refer to Revelation18, which teaches us that in even the worst corruption on the earth ("Great Babylon the Harlot") there are children of the Lord.

2) Did ubf help some former ubf members meet Christ and establish their Christian identities?

Yes, undeniably. But 2 things should be added:
- while helping people meet Christ, Christ was quickly taken away from UBF members and replaced with human leadership+obedience, fitting into a system, appeals to human desires s.a. greatness or zeal etc.
- Reading Phillip Yancey's "Soul Survivor", one could learn that the establishing of Christian identities takes place by the Lord's mercy in life. Some people find that even unbelievers like Ghandi, Bhudda, Confucius, Rabindranath Tagore, Muhammad etc. are helpful in that for them personally. Thank the Lord, He can use everything for His purpose (Rom8). The merit goes to the Lord, not to the means which the Lord used.

3) What is a sufficient standard for "change" in ubf?
The Bible, first and foremost for instance the books of the Gospels, Corinthians, Galatians and Revelation. Nothing less than biblical standards will suffice if UBF wants to be a "Bible fellowship".

4) Does God dwell in ubf at all?
According to the Psalms and Romans, we learn that God is omnipresent, who are we to say that He's not omnipresent? The question is not whether He dwells in UBF, but whether He can gain an expression there. I can't speak for everyone, but I find that UBF is more an expression of Confucius and Samuel Lee than of God.

5) How have former ubf members gone on with their Christian lives after leaving ubf? (this is probably too personal of a question to ask)

Probably, many.
However, the real question would be: how many former UBF members have lost their faith in God due to what they experienced in UBF? If there is just a SINGLE ONE (and there's more!) then this should cause UBF to repent in tears for bringing shame and disgrace on the name of Jesus Christ.
Likewise, the fact that many of the ex members are functioning members of the Body of Christ is not thanks to their UBF involvement, but much rather despite it.

Though, for me personally, I can tell that my current activity in the Body of Christ is thanks to UBF, I would never have imagined that the Lord would use me to experience the chasms of cultism so that I might warn and safeguard my fellow brethren in Christ from such deception!

6) What is the most appropriate, biblical and godly way to go about campus evangelism?
First, Campus evangelism isn't a biblical term, though there definitely were universities with campuses in ancient Greece and Rome. As such, I wouldn't focus too much on that.
The biblical way of evangelism is portrayed for instance in Acts.
- Paul was a self-sufficient tentmaker who wouldn't harvest tithes for his personal upkeep.
- he would speak on public emporiums (not in UBF meetings, aka closed environments where everyone has been checked first whether they mmight approve UBF teachings)
- he would speak to the masses (not 1:1, which inherently will lead to manipulation and control)
- not alone but always with others (again, not 1:1)
- not discriminating people on levels of education ("UNIVERSITY" fellowship, hmmm?)
- not appealing to their intellect with fables and make-up stories (such as UBF messages are full of)
- laying all of his cards open on the table from the beginning (saying "We bring you news of the ONLY God in whom alone there is salvation" not saying "We invite you to Bible Study with a nice dinner afterwards")
... actually, there's a good number of resources out there on the 'Net about evangelization, but apart from the limitations, it's pretty much about the Lord's leading, not about a human director telling you to bring a certain number of SWS attendants.

7) Can ubf be transformed into a useful organization for campus evangelism? If so, how?

I would say they could. By genuine, biblical repentance, which would include a public addess to the public sins of the leadership, an apology for past transgression, establishing a written code of conduct which is binding for all members and leaders alike to precent further abuse, by removing from positions of leadership all those who have actively engaged in abuse and/or exploitation, by totally throwing overboard the past UBF doctrine, which is merely indoctrination material to make people conform to SL's patterns of thought, doing away with 1:1 relationships, fostering "flocking" aka. home meetings aka vital groups aka cell groups which include about 5-6 people each WITHOUT a designated "leader" in order to establish mutual trust and care.

And, let me add:
If UBF were really interested in becoming a healthy Church and would take these steps, they might even see me coming back in order to help them get on the right track

In Christ,
Mike K.

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  • Re: questions -- Chris, 03:35:41 02/15/05 Tue

  • creating a dialogue with those who don't dialogue -- Nick T., 09:53:32 02/15/05 Tue

  • Re: questions -- TONY LANG, 07:50:35 03/02/05 Wed

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