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Date Posted: 09:18:00 10/28/04 Thu
Author: Mike K.
Subject: Example from Mark3
In reply to:
Brother in Christ
's message, "Re: New thread on doctrine" on 09:23:05 10/25/04 Mon
What did Jesus say to the paralytic in front of him? First, Jesus called him "son." Look at verse 5. "When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, 'Son, your sins are forgiven.'"
To people's eyes, this paralytic was a source of anguish. This man was smelly and burdensome to everyone he met. But to Jesus, he was like one of his own sons. However dirty the man might be, he was the most precious person to Jesus in the world.
Second, Jesus said to the patient, "Your sins are forgiven." Why did Jesus say to the patient "Your sins are forgiven," instead of saying, "Your paralysis is healed."?
Sins are very similar to paralysis. Paralysis leaves man without the use of his arms and legs. He cannot move, so he cannot help depending on others to help him all the time. He has to be a burden to others. Sin makes man powerless like paralysis. Sin makes man lazy, discouraged, and scared. The sinner is also a burden to others all the time, instead of being a blessing.
There are clear passages in the Bible which say that many times, disease has nothing to do with sin but is a chance for the grace of God to be manifested. This paralytic was likewise. But UBF totally twists it around to say that sinners are lazy, discouraged and scared people who are continually a burden to others.
From the focus of sinners being in need of care and divine healing, they're all of a sudden "becoming a burden".
If you think about all that is implied in this and what you can make out of it: it has next to nothing to do with the original passage. And if you'd follow the train of thought where it ends - you come to totally wrong conclusions regarding that passage.
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