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Date Posted: 09:26:02 10/28/04 Thu
Author: Mike K.
Subject: Another thing from Mark 3
In reply to: Mike K. 's message, "Example from Mark3" on 09:18:00 10/28/04 Thu

In history, people have tried to solve their sin problem. Nevertheless, they have been utterly helpless, not knowing how to invent the medicine for sinners. The people of Israel killed innumerable innocent animals to obtain the forgiveness of sin. But these were only ritualistic ceremonies. These days many people try to find a way to numb themselves by chemicals or alcohol to reduce their torments of sin. But there is no medicine for their sinsick souls.

Now, where do you see this is going?
"Israelites killed innumerable innocent animals ... but these were only ritualistic ceremonies".
I think someone should do some serious study on the Old Testament, specifically Deuteronomy and in the New Testament, on Hebrews, then. It's not like the Israelites got this idea out of nowhere and it was resulting in a mere ritualistic ceremony, no, it was ordained by God as the one way to cover sins.

And how the leap from Israelites sacrificing animals on the Altar to taking drugs and alcohol comes about - it's beyond me.

In Jesus' days, Roman rule over the colonial peoples was cruel. They demanded blind submission and respect from the conquered peoples. Tax collectors were local Jews employed by the Roman authorities. They collected heavy taxes from their suffering people and shared the money with the Roman invaders. The Jews hated them. They regarded the tax collectors as public sinners.

Levi was one such Tax collector. He did not care about the sufferings of people at all. He confined himself in his narrow booth and devoted himself to making money. The name of Levi means unification. His parents named him Levi, hoping that he would be a dedicated full-time shepherd united with God. However, he did his best to serve Rome as a selfish full-time sinner.

These days a selfish person is known as a smart person. In this individualistic society, selfishness has been largely condoned. But in the Bible, selfishness is comparable to leprosy. A selfish person is harmful because he damages others' welfare.

As for teh underlined part: WHERE is the biblical backup what Levi's parents wanted from him, and WHERE is the biblical backup that he was supposed to be a full-time shepherd?
This is a typical thing which I'd call "adding to the Word of God", and Revelation 22 tells us what it means!

And the last thing: "Selfish person = smart person".
If you eat this logic, then "being smart" can be equalized to "sinning". So, turn off your mind, play dumb, be a good sheep...

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  • Another thing from Mark 3 -- Mike K., 09:38:13 10/28/04 Thu

  • Journaling vs. Sogams -- Tom F, 12:21:49 10/28/04 Thu

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