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Date Posted: 09:38:13 10/28/04 Thu
Author: Mike K.
Subject: Another thing from Mark 3
In reply to:
Mike K.
's message, "Example from Mark3" on 09:18:00 10/28/04 Thu
Look at verse 20. ¡°Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop--thirty, sixty or even a hundred times what was sown."
Those who have good soil heart seek the meaning and truth of life. They try to discern between good and evil. When they hear the word, they realize its value. They do not just listen and forget. They retain the word in their hearts like a treasure. They meditate on the word of God day and night. When understanding comes, they make it part of their lifestyle. When conflict arises because of their faith in the word, they persevere with long-suffering patience. In the end, they bear abundant fruit -- thirty, sixty or even a hundred times what was sown! They resemble Jesus more and more every day and they feed more and more sheep with the living words of God.
Sometimes we think God loves others more than us when others seem to live more fruitful lives. They seem to have stronger faith and raise many disciples thanks to God's special love. But God is not partial. His words are given to all people without discrimination. So, the reason for poor fruit should be found in us, not in God. Our little passion for the word is the main reason for our poor result. Our insincere attitude for the truth is the critical reason why we remain at the same level all the time.
Writing testimony is a good way to be good soil. In order to write a testimony, we must listen to the word or read the message. We must also understand the meaning of God¡¯s word and think over its application to our personal life. If we write testimony sincerely, the words are planted deep in our heart and the words in our heart make us repent our sins and live a holy life. I dare not say that testimony writing is the only way to benefit from the words of God, but I am sure it is one of best ways to fertilize our mind for wonderful fruit.
The leap from "bearing fruit" to "feeding sheep" is understandible, given UBF's interpretation "fruit=sheep".
But the leap from "God seemingly loving others more than ourselves" to "those people can feed more sheep" is already hard on the limit. It has something to do with UBF's mentality that "the more sheep, the higher God values me" i.e. a hierarchy in the Kingdom.
But then, in the last part, how "being good soil" is all of being greatly benefitted by "writing testimony" - I think a better way would be to actually GO OUT and SPEAK with other people about your ideas, confront others (who won't just say yes, amen, but who critically consider everything you say) than to sit in a chamber, philosophize, regurgiate and make the preacher's word one's own words and then speak towards an audience who heard the same thing a dozen times already.
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