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Date Posted: 10:18:22 12/29/04 Wed
Author: Joe
Subject: Re: Regarding Barry's attempt to mythologize herself
In reply to: bj 's message, "Re: Regarding SB" on 16:59:18 12/28/04 Tue

>There are already 3 pieces of SB's testimony in
>Kookmin-ilbo.(proposed to be a seires of 10 pieces)
>address of 'piece 1'--->
>'piece 2'--->
>'piece 3'--->

So, after Barry went to Korea and told some admirer not to SAY that she admires her, she peddles her life story in 10 parts (!) to a large Korean publication, including details of her youth in Mississippi that only UBF members could be remotely interested in. This level of hypocrisy is just exasperating.

In fact, she has taken the mythologization of UBF leaders to a new level. Not even Sam Lee's honorary degree from a Korean university compares to this. With a legitimate Christian leader, you might expect this type of story to be published post-humously, after they pass away, because a legitimate Christian leader would have the Christian humility not to promote themselves while they are still living!

Is each installment of this 10 part story going to include a gratuitous picture of Barry and other UBF members? The portrait of a younger Barry in the second part is especially gratuitous. What would the purpose be in including such a picture other than to promote the "Mississippi princess" myth? I would expect this picture in the UBF newsletter or a UBF family photo frame. Somehow, UBF has managed to turn part of the Kookmin Ilbo into the UBF newsletter.

Has the Kookmin Ilbo gone nuts or are they short of material to print or were they just bribed? There are any number of legitimate, influential Christian leaders they could have profiled. Instead, they profile someone who has become a small-time cult leader, in 10 parts!

Everything Barry writes about herself and UBF should be taken with a grain of salt. She, like Jun and other senior UBF leaders, has become an inveterate liar.

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