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Date Posted: 15:39:39 08/07/04 Sat
Author: PSUDAB
Subject: Re: Follow-up -- Not JLemmon
In reply to: Jim St. L. 's message, "Follow-up" on 11:45:31 08/07/04 Sat

Hi Jim,

I'm astonished -- there was something that I forgot to
make clear! :-) Actually, it was JLS (Joe Schafer) who
told me that story, not JLemmon.

He never told the story so as to belittle you, but only
more to spell out the change that had taken place within
you once you started accepting the gospel.

On a side note, you did hear about what happened with
Dan Pierce, didn't you? He passed away a few years ago
from cancer.

In addition, it does seem like JLemmon "wears the pants
in the family", but DL is the "spiritual director".
The latest change is that DL is now taking over the dir-
ectorship of the chapter at PSU.


>>Dear PSUDAB,
>>It is amazing to me how JLemmon blatantly lies to you
>>about an incident that happened more than 16 years
>>ago. I don't believe JLemmon was even in UBF at that
>>time. So if you get a chance tell him to stop bearing
>>false witness against me. That incident was one when I
>>was barely 23 years old and Ban Toh consistently
>>antagonized me. You should also ask Ban Toh why he
>>consistently brings up this incident that happened in
>>1988. You should also ask him why it happened. It did
>>not happen because he "challenged" me unless you mean
>>to a fight. You should also know that when I was
>>fighting him it was not an one-on-one confrontation.
>>Rhoel Lomahan was also fighting me at the same time.
>>The next time JLemmon includes me in conversation you
>>should tell him to call me first to get my side of the
>>story. (Tell him to stop bearing false testimony
>>against me.)You should also Ban Toh why he has tried
>>to cause so many divorces in Chicago including my
>>family and the Young family by spreading blatant lies
>>about us. Ban Toh is a pathetic person if he still
>>holds grudges over fights he started and couldn't
>>finish nearly two decades ago. Don't honor him as a
>>"hero of faith" because he has deceived many people
>>and he is accountable before God for all the UBF sins
>>he has tried to conceal, even though the UBFin's will
>>never hold him accountable. You should also ask him
>>about the other fights he has caused and been a
>>participant in with Jon Berryman, Damon Londrigan, Dan
>>Pierce and several others. The Jon Berryman incident
>>was written about in the UIC student newspaper and he
>>was arrested for that incident. Ban Toh and his
>>assistant were charged with battery and assault for
>>trying to beat up Mr. Berryman. (Does that sound
>>familiar?) The only reason Ban Toh got his glasses
>>smashed was because me a "***-damn son of a b****!!" I
>>hope you ask Ban Toh and JLemmon to tell the real
>>truth next time. I also pray for you that to leave
>>such a deceptive and cultic group. They do not have
>>your best interests and/or God's intentions in mind.
>Sorry to refer to Jennifer Lemmon as a masculine
>figure but maybe she is the one who wears the pants in
>her family. I just wanted to make it clear why is she
>referring to an incident that she knows nothing about.
>As I stated she was not even in UBF or living in
>Chicago at that time. It just goes to show how much
>deceit and slanderous lies go around in UBF. I also
>find it funny that I became the joke of someone who
>was "challenged" in UBF and the myth of Ban Toh keeps
>on growing. I also find it amazing, at the MSU
>conference (and last year at UBF conference at Wheaton
>College) when Amy and I were saying the truth about
>Ban Toh and he was nowhere to be found. Or maybe he
>just didn't have the guts to show his face. Maybe he
>just didn't want to answer the tough questions that
>reveal his serpentine character. Please ask Ban Toh
>why UBF bought him 2 buildings in the expensive UIC
>neighborhood. How many babies did he abort as a
>doctor? Why did he ask Jamie Young to divorce Amy
>Young? Why did he tell several people (including my
>wife)that I was covorting with prostitutes? (Even
>though there was no evidence and I didn't!) Was he
>trying to cause another divorce? (Most people in
>Chicago would have beaten the tar out of him for
>uttering such a malicious and blatant lie.) Why does
>he still hold a grudge against me when he clearly
>initiated the aforementioned fight over 16 years ago?
>It clearly shows me that Ban Toh is an unchanged
>person who holds closely to UBF because of his own
>Confucianistic beliefs that are daily affirmed in UBF.
>Like many UBF people in high positions he thinks that
>the sin problems of UBF and UBFin's can be swept under
>the proverbial carpet to save face, but this only
>reveals that unrepentant state of UBFin's. UBF is not
>a safe place for Christians or an environment where
>they can grow.

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