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Date Posted: 13:17:36 08/08/04 Sun
Author: Jim St. L.
Subject: Re: Follow-up -- Not JLemmon
In reply to: PSUDAB 's message, "Re: Follow-up -- Not JLemmon" on 15:39:39 08/07/04 Sat


Thank you for that clarification. But the same applies, Joe Schafer should stop lying. I had accepted the gospel 1.5 years before I came to UBF. I was also teaching the Bible before I came to UBF. Recently the man who led me to Christ, Stanley N. Friberg, passed away. I was glad I talked to him a few times before he died. He was a Christian who passionately enjoyed studying the Bible though he received no benefits like the UBFin's. His passion to study the Bible was unmatched by anyone I saw in UBF. At his Memorial Service several people got up and told about how Mr. Friberg led them to Christ. A lot of people he led to Christ weren't even there. It was best memorial service I ever attended because I was sure that everyone in that room sincerely loved and valued their time with him. He was also a man with a large family of 10 children. Despite his large family size he eagerly shared his faith and led several Bible studies in between his work and hectic family life. He didn't have much worldly wealth but I'm sure the Christ was waiting to embrace and reward him in heaven. He was one person that look forward to his heavenly reward more than anyone else I knew. He also didn't care if he was recognized by the world as long as he glorified God through his life.

Concerning Dan Pierce, I know he passed away about three years ago. I went to his service too. At his service I was disturbed because Sam Lee used it as his time to glorify himself. At that point I decided I would never come back to UBF. I was disturbed that Sam Lee was so petty that he would use this time of mourning and reflection on the life of my friend and former roommate to say he would be "burying all of us." Only a sick and perverse person could say something so morbid at that time. Ironically, that was the last memorial service he would officiate. He was the next person in UBF to die.

Why do you keep going to UBF? Is it your friendship with Joe Schafer? Are you hoping to get married in UBF? If you come to this website and the Rsqubf site it is very clear how ungodly and unbiblical UBF is. They have no intentions to change but continue in their ignoble traditions of manipulation and abuse on young American college students. There are several reasons why they have been kicked out of the NAE (National Association of Evangelicals). Did you know that only 3 member groups have been expelled from the NAE over the last 10 years, despite having around 50,000 members? Two of the three have tried to reconcile with the NAE but UBF just sends people like Brian Karcher who say everything is a lie. Brian is just trying to defend the indefensible. There are more people who have left UBF, than are currently in UBF, that testify about the cultic practices of UBF.

Currently I attend Moody Bible Institute. Every professor I talk to there knows about UBF and tells me about the abusive character of UBF. They tell me about the people they have ministered to after leaving UBF. Noone has a favorable opinion of them and they are regarded as a cult. I hope and pray that you can decide to leave UBF for a real Bible-believing church that has a passion to witness to unbelievers about Christ. I also suggest that you join a small group in that church so they can pray for you and help you grow as a Christian. I suggest you get a copy of R.C. Sproul's "Five Things Every Christian Needs To Grow." It is a short book that will point you in the right direction.

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