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Date Posted: 17:28:10 09/09/04 Thu
Author: Nick T.
Subject: ubf leaders are swimming in money
In reply to: Roving Reporter News Network 's message, "UBF Expenses at MSU" on 13:51:48 09/06/04 Mon

I had no access whatsoever to ubf financial records while I was in the ubf group. However, I witnessed a number of things that should have made me realize that the leaders of ubf are very money hungry.

One year I was the presider at the Chicago service for Christmas, like 1986. While I sat up there, I saw EE Chang Woo write out an offering check for $5,000. Yeah, five thousand. EE always publicly proclaimed that he supported his family fully on a ubf 'salary' of $1500 per month! Yet he could write a check for $5,000 so easily.

When EE Jr. got married, Ahn Soon (alias Grace) Lee passed out gifts to all the members of the ubf group. She gave me a very nice Pierre Cardin dress shirt, the only nice shirt I had for like a year. The reality is that I paid for it. Ahn Soon must have given out hundreds of them. And gifts to shepherdesses too.

Also, when EE's oldest daughter got married, I was dragged along by Sara Barry to several car dealers to buy a car as a wedding present. Bury told the salesman that there would be no financing as she was going to pay cash. She wound up buying a new Chevrolet Cavalier, maybe $8,000.

After getting out of ubf, I learned much more shocking news. EE bought his house for cash in 1988, never obtained any financing. And the price was already over $200,000 back then. I learned that EE was selling marriages for $2,500 apiece to the ubfKoreans. I learned that EE kept all the offering monies from the Whirled Mission Journies to Korea. I learned that EE ordered one new imported ubfKorean to bring him $8,000 in cash so that he would marry him to one of Jacob Lee's daughters.

I learned that satellite chapters were sending huge amounts of money to EE. I learned that all the ubfKoreans in Chicago were giving EE cash gifts for his birthday and Christmas. One family gave EE $3,000 every year as a Christmas gift. I learned that many former ubfKoreans swore that EE diverted all the special offerings for many years, esp. the ones where they said they were going to buy a Russian Bible house. I learned that both EE and Sara Bury had bank accounts in MS, and some said they were aware of them having Swiss bank accounts. And Deisree said that Bury was personally taking the Sunday offerings to MS, and buying gold bullion for themselves.

I learned that EE Jr. got a house at no charge due to Dr. Samuel Choi in Korea forking over $200,000 US at EE's insistence. I learned that ubf has about $5,000,000, yes, million, worth of property in Chicago alone. I learned that Ban Toh, a failed doctor for 20 years, suddenly bought two houses for cash within like 9 months of each other. It was at the time he defended Little Sarah during the sex scandal. And for one trasaction the title went from the seller to ubf to Toh. It was very bizzare.

I have learned that Jacob K. at MSU encouraged the students there to offer all they had to buy a van and Bible house, but Jacob took all the money and sent it to EE in Chicago, and it disappeared. I learned that Winnipeg ubf, which was chased out of town ahead of police action, sold their house, , ore thatn $100k US, sent the money to EE, and that also disappeared.

I learned that the local chapter leaders have managed to buy houses and even rental properties, such as Work Hard Yoon, John Park. I learned that Isaiah Yoo in CSUN kept all the offerings for more than 20 years and never disclosed to anyone how even one dollar was spent. I learned his wife Humble (actually very proud) was paid $2000 per month to take care of the center, whatever that means. She did not take care of any center.

The list goes on and on. The ubf has collected huge amounts of money, not just from Korea, but from anyone they can take it from. Their main device is deception. I also gave them alot of money, maybe like $20,000 worth. Idemanded it bak by letter but never got any response. My ex-ubfcoworker said they are saving the letter to show that I threatened them.

Nobody can deny that ubf leaders love money. MSU is the goose that lays the golden eggs. I heard the story of the director from Mexico bringing $10,000 to EE at an MSU conference. This was from EE's own mouth, at the meeting after the conference. All the 'missionaries' pay their own way, make offerings, pay for their rooms, gave cash to EE, pay for the sheep who are also expected to fork over all they have.

There is plenty more. Please spread the word about ubf. The ubf will eradicate itself. God bless you all.

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