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Date Posted: 18:08:45 09/09/04 Thu
Author: Chris
Subject: Re: ubf leaders are swimming in money
In reply to: Nick T. 's message, "ubf leaders are swimming in money" on 17:28:10 09/09/04 Thu

I remember that Kaleb Hong in Heidelberg made a collection for Samuel Lee's 60's birthday. He collected money for Lee from every member. At that time I was a young UBF sheep and believed Lee was a very poor man who was the only one in UBF who had no job and needed support, so I gave generously. I don't know how much money Lee cashed on from this this single occasion only. I also heared that Lee always took the complete offerings from the so-called "world mission reports" in Korea. These were mass events held in football stadium, with an euphoric atmosphere, and thousands of Koreans attending, and they let some Germans or Americans share their life testimonies in order to show how successful UBF is in the world. And all the attendants of course gave generously for such a great goal of world mission. Even one event of this sort would be enough to make Lee a rich man. One accusation brought forward by Korean reformers was that Lee took all the money with himself to Chicago, it was never declared anywhere, probably not even on UBF internal cash statements. It was also told that on one of these occasions, on his way back to Chicago, Lee was held for one day at the airport, because customs control found him with pockets full of cash money. I have no doubt that these claims are true.

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  • Re: ubf leaders are swimming in money -- ExUBF Member in Chicago, 15:51:32 09/12/04 Sun

  • Ron Ward is extremely deceptive -- Nick T., 19:56:28 09/12/04 Sun

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