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Date Posted: 10:19:51 10/07/04 Thu
Author: UBFree
Subject: It has everything to do with being a Christian
In reply to: Mike K. 's message, "Re: Chris and Mike need to see the bigger picture" on 07:47:59 10/07/04 Thu

>Would you be shocked to hear that he told people to
>vote for a person who started more wars than any other
>President of the United States,

First of all, we did not start the war on terrorism, Islamo-facists started the war agaist all of us. They started it when they bombed the world trade center in 1991, when they bombed our embassy in Africa, when the bombed the USS cole, when they attempted to bomb an international flight from Europe(shoe bomb), when they attempted to bring explosives accross the border from Canada in 2000. The war was started long ago. Bush is the first president to stand up to these terrorists and actually fight them. As far as your statment about starting more wars than any other president. Your either a bold face liar or extremely ignorant. Lets compare him to Clinton. Hmmm, CLinton bombed a pharmecutical factory in Africa, then sent the Marines into Ruwanda, which was a disaster(BlackHawke down), sent the Marines into Haiti, which is now a complete mess, said Saddam Hussein was a threat but only lobbed a couple of missiles into a mosque. He then went into Bosnia! He then made a treaty with communist North Korea giving them a nuclear reactor, which they turned around and violated and have now are making nuclear bombs.....and you say Bush has started more wars!!! You are a fool to make such a statment!

who spit into the face
>of the United Nations,

The United Nations is a corrupt, useless debating society. The United Nations has done nothing to prevent any war, and when they do want something done they expect Americans to carry the burden. Why couldn't Germany take care of Milosovec, why did you want us?

who attacked a country based on
>an essay of a University Student

This is a complete lie and garbage from the left! The British MP, Russia and the CIA all came to Bush and told him that Hussein had WMD. In Bob Woodward's book, the CIA director is quoted as saying that Hussien having WMD is a "slam dunk".

, who approved of
>torture as a legitimate means of obtaining
>information, who invokes the name of God to justify
>the killing of women and children, who believes in
>information control and propaganda?

This sounds alot like Sadaam Hussien! Oh, thats right he is gone now!
>It doesn't have anything to do with being a Christian,

Who you vote for has everything to do with your moral convictions!

John Kerry and the Democrats want a society free of religious expression and influence. They are anti-Christian, anti-God and anti-bible. They support the killing of innocent life in the womb. THey would sanction state legitimzation of all kinds of sexual perversion. Like all socialist governments they want to replace God with government. This eventually leads to tyranny and the loss of freedom. So, Mike, my vote has everything to do with being a Christian!

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