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Date Posted: 12:42:54 08/03/04 Tue
Author: Joe
Subject: UBF and Bangladesh
In reply to: Tony Lang 's message, "Experiences in Saudi Arabia" on 09:20:05 08/02/04 Mon

There is some history involving UBF and Bangladesh. There is this paragraph from the 1976 letter to Lee:

Shepherd Lee! In 1974, 20,000,000 won ($20,000) was collected for Bangladesh hunger. You misappropriated 20,000,000 won ($20,000) to buy the building for the Kwan-Ak chapter in 1975. You said that offering money would be returned later to be used for its original purpose. We agreed with you at that time. You, however, decided to permanently misappropriate those offering for spiritually poor students of the Seoul National University at the staff meeting of January 3, 1976. In order to collect this offering, our brothers and sisters sold their wedding rings, necklaces, textbooks, even their blood and offered their savings and college tuition. Those offerings should be used for Bangladesh hunger. What is worse, the Eerie chapter gave a lot of offering for charity since 1970. However, only 1,000,000 won ($1,000) was sent to Bangladesh in the spring of 1971. We cannot tell students to give offering for the 1976 Christmas because our conscience of faith would not allow us. Recently, the Dae-Han magazine was indicted for misappropriation of donation money. The illegal misappropriation should not be allowed for non-profit organizations.

That UBF sent only a fraction of the amount originally collected for Bangladesh long after the collection was confirmed by one of UBF's own statements published on the web some time ago. My father is still praised in current UBF 'messages' for "selling his blood" to raise money for the collection, which was then misappropriated. This revelation about the Bangladesh relief collection in the 1976 letter drove another stake into the heart of my continued involvement in UBF.

There was a time (late 70s - early 80s) when a young, charismatic Bangladeshi named Paul Debnath was treated like a celebrity every time he came to a UBF international conference. After the initial love bombing he was summoned to Chicago and given bizarre 'training' such as lugging heavy luggage across the city of Chicago. I'm not sure what became of Mr. Debnath.

Bangladesh has been no stranger to terrible natural disasters causing mass deaths, with or without global warming. Fortunately, there are ways to help (but "bringing the entire tithe" to UBF is not one of them) such as through organizations like World Vision.

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