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Date Posted: 12:30:01 08/05/04 Thu
Author: Nick T.
Subject: doing things for the poor
In reply to: Chris 's message, "Re: Experiences in Saudi Arabia" on 10:33:43 08/04/04 Wed

There are many groups that claim to be helping the poor and the environment, but they may not be doing any such thing. One of them is the Gaia movement, which has established a zillion clothing collection sites in the USA. It looks harmless, give some clothing and you will be doing something to benefit some poor people somewhere. But in fact Gaia is just a small part of a multi-faceted scam run by a secular cult out of Denmark called Tvind. Tvind raises many millions of dollars but spends almost nothing on the projects they claim they will fund. An article from the Chicago Reader is archived at rickross.com here


They basically appeal to people to donate for purposes of charity or public good, but they always divert the money to their own pockets or private enterprises. The leader Mr. Mogens Amdi Pedersen sails around on a $5 million yacht.

If you are going to do anything, please make sure you are going to be involved with a reputable organization. There are numerous reputable groups that do so much for the poor. I will recommend one reputable group called 'Feed the Children' out of OK City, OK. Their website is


They have their COMPLETE financials right there on the home page of their website, under the header of "Accountability'. 88% of the revenue went directly ito programs. They cowork with many government organizations and other reputable Christian groups such as the Salvation Army, private foundations, and even Fortune 500 companies.

Please don't ever get involved or ever provide any support to unknown organizations. You may get into another ubf life diversion experience. God bless.

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