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Date Posted: 13:23:19 08/05/04 Thu
Author: UBFree
Subject: Re: I promise:my last post on GW
In reply to: Tony Lang 's message, "Re: I promise:my last post on GW" on 03:10:57 08/05/04 Thu


You are right the first post was rather vague and it was a different writer then the second post. I only posted the first excerpt to show that there is a huge financial incentive in academia/research to keep the theory of GW alive. Greed and self interest are not limited to multi-national corporations!LOL!

THere is honest debate about GW, but that doesn't mean I don't want to take care of the enviroment. We should take of the environment. Any rational thinking person wants clean rivers, clean water, clean air. And despite what you may think about America, we do a great job of keeping our country clean. In fact, the air in Southern California is the cleanest it's been in 30 years. The U.S. even has a government agency called the E.P.A.( Enviromental Protection Agency.)

I think the problem we have in the U.S. is that the environmentalists here have such a "for us or against us" attitude. In otherwords they really go too far and become dogmatic and unreasonable in some of their beleifs and demands. And of course some EM groups advocate violence.(Earth first) With them there is no room for moderate, commen sense envronmentalism.

God bless,

P.S. technically this is not a post on GW, so I'm still keeping my promise. LOL!

>>UBF Free's articles on global warming have been
>interesting. His or her first article was so vague
>that it was almost meaningless, and there was now way
>I was going to take it seriously, as I did n ot
>consider it worty of a reply. But the subsiquent
>articles by the writer show a very different picture
>and I willingly offer him or her my congratulations as
>to their content and presentation. They appear almost
>to have been written by a different person
>They have not caused me to change my opinions nor am I
>going to attempt to change ubf frees opinions, here is
>not the place.
>I will restate my opinion that this is Gods World and
>Christians should do all that they can in their power
>to save it, and improve it. Ubf free as a christian
>if he feels that billions of dollars, which could be
>spent on making this world a safer better place, are
>being wasted solving a nonexistant problem should also
>feel free to continue to oppose it. This is freedom
>of ideas, and I do not have a problem with it.

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