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Subject: ..vows o' the fem..

Ring of Fire|±|Tears of Shadow|±|Friday|±|Belle Sera
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Date Posted: 22:32:52 05/11/02 Sat

((Well...I really didn't feel like writing individual notes for Ring of Fire/Tears of Shadow, Friday, and Belle Sera, so viola! Yes, I am rather laazee))

..feministic vows o' damma figure bind she-demon to flicka side, though pressuring unneeded fro' youth o' not yet exploritive nature. Tedious watch 'twas cast o're youthful persona, twisted lamps guided delicately 'bout crowned crest. Panoramic view o' surf-side lands allows fem to keep motherly vows o' watching, warding off o'her fem wi'h snap o' towers..

.Ring of Fire.

{..colbalt flicka rests 'pon murky earthen, brush tossed back in restless motion, effecting lightly landing o' pests. Twisted twin towers capture tune 'bout she, yet no harm thought o' wi'h damma persona figure present. Lids cast carefully o're deppened lamps o' miniature she, femmina o' high quality rests onwards..}

{Tears of Shadow}

||nocturnal maid cast 'pon daylight pigments flicks forth terrain roughed harks, ease set 'pon femministic figure. Boa yeilds, 'llowing clacks o' ivories on'e guilded i' iron cage. Palid gaze flicks o're stately vegetation 'pon tattooed terra, inscissors tearing to'ard roots||

...Belle Sera...

{{+moonpasted vix stands 'fro o'her beasts o' flicka burden, own fragrance passed to airs o' beach-line halo, gaze cast in search o' masculine courser, champi'n o' watery lands. Ivory doe shakes held cran' in perfection figure, arabic heritage flashed througho't lines o' bodice+}}


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Subject Author Date
Re: ..vows o' the fem..Damis Ferar05:16:28 05/13/02 Mon
  • ..defined.. -- Ring of Fire|±|Tears of Shadow|±|Belle Sera|±|Friday, 14:35:38 05/13/02 Mon

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