(He had sat there holding her, his breath warm against her neck and his heart steadily beating as he willed her to be alright. He had seen her eyes take on that hollow, lost look and it had burned him right to the core of his being. Here he was, the man who had vowed to fight for her, and he couldn't fight this.. he had no way of helping her though this, he was useless and it pissed him off to no end. The doctor had been lucky to get out when he had, or Niko's rage would have been taken out on him and no one would have been able to stop him from permanently damiging the man's ability to talk or breath. His whole body was tense with the thought that she would suffer more from this, that her previous suffering would be nothing compared to losing another baby. He was aching for her, unconcerned about a child he had desperately wanted with her, but concerned that he might lose her instead. She might not suffer and die as Fyre had.. but she would suffer longer, aching with the loss and it would drive them apart.. unable to share each other's pain, unable to make the haunting stop. He shuddered a little, his hands moving as she woke, his eyes opening finally as she moved, rousing him from his own nightmare. He let out a relieved breath and kissed her neck softly.) Just relax, amante.. don't worry about it now. (He said gently, though his voice was hoarse with emotion.)