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Date Posted: Mon, May 22 2006, 7:36am PDT
Author: Charlie
Subject: The second he saw her in the bed, he calmed, but was washed over with more guilt than he could imagine. Whatever personal berating he had been doing in the car on the way here intensified when he saw her looking so sick and pale, and he immediately went to her bedside. A doctor just leaving her room with a chart in hand identified him as her husband and informed him that she was stabilized and on painkillers and they were doing their best but she was under strict surveillance - she was overexhausted and things were still up in the air right now. "Baby... I'm so sorry.." he murmured, going to her and immediately picking up the hand that rested on her stomach, brushing a kiss across her forehead. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there."
In reply to: Charlie 's message, "--" on Mon, May 22 2006, 7:24am PDT

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  • She looked up at him as he entered, murmering his name softly as more tears fell. The pain wasn't as bad as it had been at first- largely due to the painkillers they had given her, but she was still uncomfortable. "They said they couldn't get hold of you..." She bit at her lip as the tears pooled in her dark eyes, her fingers clutching at his hand tightly "I think I'm gonna lose it charlie...it hurts..." She was trying to be strong, but she felt torn apart at the thought of losing the baby she so much hated- why was she so scared of losing it if she didn;t want it? It wasn;t just out of guilt for charlie- it was her own heart that hurt- at the thought that they wouldn;t have their child... (NT) -- Alysia, Mon, May 22 2006, 7:41am PDT

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