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Date Posted: Wed, Jun 07 2006, 12:32pm PDT
Author: Charlie
Subject: He had actually gone for coffee - sitting up in a chair all night had not been comfortable by any means but there was no way he would leave her for more than a few minutes for a quick break to the bathroom or for more bitter coffee from the vending machine down the hall. He made his way back in as he heard her asking, the coffee as well as a sugary, processed snack in hand and moved to the edge of the bed so she could see him without craning her neck too much. "No, I'm still here baby.." He settled in his chair, out of the doctor's way and waited - he had spent much of the night in this pose, just watching her sleep, breathe, lulled by the sound of the heart rate monitor.
In reply to: Alysia 's message, "And I'd give up forever to touch you
Cause I know that you feel me somehow
on Wed, Jun 07 2006, 12:23pm PDT

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  • She glanced up at him as she heard him and smiled a touch glancing back to the doctor as she finished up her examination "Well?" She drew a soft breath, looking up at the doctor hopefully. "Does the baby still have a heart beat?" she twisted her fingers into her sheets, drawing a deep breath. "Yes... its been inconsistant through the night, but its still there... we may need to keep you in for another night... and you'll have to take it very easy from now on... i'm booking you in for a scan for ten, so we'll be able to have another look and see that theres no sign of distress, and we'll monitor the heart beat for another twenty four hours Mrs Belluci"// Aly released a breath and closed her eyes softly, resting her head back intot he pillows with relief- smiling a little at the doctor "Thank you..." She let her gaze drift to Charlie, a soft little smile on her lips- it was hope at least. (NT) -- Aly, Wed, Jun 07 2006, 12:51pm PDT

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