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Subject: Re: starting 6 yr. old on weekly enemas

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Date Posted: Saturday, August 17, 2024, 09:08: pm
In reply to: Shelly 's message, "starting 6 yr. old on weekly enemas" on Saturday, August 17, 2024, 08:10: pm

Hey AV,

I do and I don't. The plan is to get the enema in him and explain later. He doesn't need to hear the whole story about how I was put in pull ups and forced laxatives in my second year of school because I started holding to avoid the open stalls in school. How much of that would he even understand? I'm just going to get him in the bathroom and bent over my left leg and lock him in and get a quart of really warm water in him. While I have him over my leg getting his enema I'm just going to tell him that this is his life now on Sunday's before Monday school to get him off to a got start each week. No specifics about colon health at this time. Let him process all of that for the next week and see if he has any questions next Sunday. If a child 5 or 6 years old needs an inhaler because of asthma they don't need a whole scientific explanation about the lungs performance and role in their health. All he needs to know right now is that this is his life. He likes to argue about the stupidest things just for the sake of arguing. So no argument will be allowed. Enema in, poop out. You are the child, I am the parent.

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[> [> Subject: Re: starting 6 yr. old on weekly enemas

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Date Posted: Sunday, August 18, 2024, 03:25: am

Hey Shelly,

You got this.
Seems to be the only way really.
He will not know exactly what will be happening the first time. Expect however resistance the second week since he will know what is coming as he either sees you prepare or the equipment.
He doesn’t need to know at his age right now your past. Simply, get him over your knee, lock him in place, and get the enema in him.
I do agree, telling him this is his life now to help him start his week.
He will not know what’s happening the first time but the second enema he will put up some resistance. Like Krissi would say, Stay the course, lock him over the knee and give the enema.
Like you plainly said. Enema in. Poop out.
Finish it off with plenty of hugs, kisses, love, and lots of lap time.
Give him something to look forward to afterwards.
Keep journaling. It will help you process.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: starting 6 yr. old on weekly enemas

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Date Posted: Sunday, August 18, 2024, 05:50: am

I wanted to elaborate on resistance. Maybe not this week, because he will not know what to expect but next week, expect some heavy punching and kicking. But always keep calm, let him do whatever he is going to do, and smile inside knowing once he is over the knee, locked in place, he is all yours.
Enema in, poop out. You got this!

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: starting 6 yr. old on weekly enemas

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Date Posted: Sunday, August 18, 2024, 06:06: pm

I almost couldn't do it! My heart was pounding so hard it hurt and I was sweating and breathing hard while getting his enema ready. I had to just sit and wait a few minutes and gather myself before I went and got him. Fortunately the cheapo Walgreen's hot water bottle keeps the water warm for a while. Last night I practiced with several refills to get the height and flow just right so I didn't have to close the clamp and let his colon catch up and then start it again. I wanted to get the enema started flowing just right so I didn't have to stop and it would take about five minutes to empty the bag. That is about the length of time recommended to put that much enema in someone. I knew if he was fussing, which he did, a lot, that I would feel sorry for him if I had closed the clamp to let him catch up and that I would let him up and on the toilet. Anyway, successful enema. He was so so full of stool! He had at least three days worth of pooping in him and he had just pooped before we did his enema. He has been done and in his room now for an hour. Wants nothing to do with me. Not a happy camper. He has little concept of days of the week so he doesn't have a feel for when Sunday comes again but says he doesn't like my emmama!

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: starting 6 yr. old on weekly enemas

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Date Posted: Sunday, August 18, 2024, 07:18: pm

Wooooooofffffff!!! (Taking a breath)
I can only imagine how you feel. You love him so much. But you did the right thing if he had that much in him. I remember when krissi posted when she helped her lady friend with her son’s enema, he was 6 as well, he said the same thing afterwards, he didnt like it. The mom said the same thing that he doesn’t know his days of the week very well.
Remember though as soon as he will let you, love on him alot. Let him know you are proud of him. Use that as motivation.
Just know you did the right thing if he was plugged with that much stool. You helped him.

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[> [> Subject: Re: starting 6 yr. old on weekly enemas

Carol A (You did great Shelly!)
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Date Posted: Tuesday, August 27, 2024, 02:34: pm

Bless you Shelly.

Divorced mom here. Two grown boys now. In my 70s now.

One of mine would accept being given a enema.
The other one would fight it. As soon as he saw me getting the enema bulb out he would fuss.

First few enemas I asked a neighbor mom to assist.
I learned best to have every thing out and read for the enema.
Then go get the one who is gettin an enema.
The other mom helped hold him when he was getting the enema. She talked to him. To calm.

I think you told he is 6? I didnt start using the bag enema until mine were much older.

The bulb enema was given on a table. On towel. Laying on back. Legs held up some.
The bag enemas were given on the bed

You are right, really not worth the detailed explnation of explaing why the enema is needed.
WHen mine were older, I explained the why.

Enemas are better than giving harsh laxatives and other things.

Best to consult with doctor before giving enema.


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