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Subject: Re: Babysitter grew up with enemas

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Date Posted: Thursday, October 24, 2024, 06:20: am
In reply to: AV 's message, "Re: Babysitter grew up with enemas" on Thursday, October 24, 2024, 04:37: am

Hey AV

It's kind of funny because they fight over everything, "he has this and I want it". "Why does he get that and I don't." My three year old is upset with me that I upset his older brother when it is his enema time. He has no clue this is in store for him when he starts school. His enemas may be starting earlier than expected. I think he is responding to his brother's toilet escapades with starting to resist bowel movements, not sure. Has needed two suppositories to make him go in just the last three weeks. My enema boy has not complained that he has to get cleaned out but his brother doesn't. And just as his little brother reacted I'm sure he will be agitated with me if and when I give his little brother an enema. They don't like it when I hurt the feelings of their sibling.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Babysitter grew up with enemas

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Date Posted: Saturday, October 26, 2024, 04:39: am

I love this. Shows how much they love one another and the bond they have for each other. You are raising some amazing boys.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Babysitter grew up with enemas

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Date Posted: Saturday, October 26, 2024, 10:25: am

Yeah I was the same way with my brother and sister. I felt bad for them when stepmom made them have their enema. But I looked forward to my step brothers and sisters having to have an enema. I would try to get invited in by the step sister who shared her bedroom with the one who was just put on the toilet chair with her enema in her. Except for one of them helping to hold my brother for his enemas nobody got to watch enemas being given but there was no rule that the child once on the toilet chair in their shared bedroom had right to privacy. My little sister was so naive. I would threaten her over and over if she let someone look or come in on me when I'm sitting with my enema in me but she did over and over, boys and girls. The step brother that was known to feign sickness so he could have an enema was famous for getting my sister to at least stand at the door, wide open, while he asks her a question about something, anything, so he can stand there and look at me on my enema commode. It would happen occasionally for years. I grew to understand that a couple of them, a stepsister included offered her favors for a peek at me.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Babysitter grew up with enemas

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Date Posted: Friday, November 01, 2024, 09:25: am


I'm sure so much more of his enema is getting deeper in his colon with the deep inserted nozzle. As I said I have a medical syringe if fill with about two table spoons of Crisco and squirt the Crisco into his rectum then slowly while rotating the nozzle insert it all the way in. It's about 8 inches long. It doesn't take but just about a minute to get past the rectum and into his sigmoid. The enema flows so well and I can tell by his reaction when I start the enema that he doesn't even realize it has started yet because it isn't filling his rectum until we are well into his filling. Like this technique so much, thanks for pushing me to try it. I've heard of colon tubes being used to insert literally a foot or more into the colon for deep enema cleansing but thought they weren't real. It makes sense if you want a high enema that you want to try to start the flow in the colon and not in the rectum because it has a sort of spinchter between it and the sigmoid too. That's how contractions in the rectum trying to make you poop makes it come out of the anus instead of going back up in the colon. His enemas are going well. He doesn't physically fight me. He just begs and fake cries to try to get out of it. He is managing to give me a poop before his enema if I wait late enough in the evening so he doesn't have to have the suppository prep before his enema. He is pooping almost like clock work always on Wed. and Fri. and then again on Sun. in the evenings or late afternoons. Very satisfied with that.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Babysitter grew up with enemas

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Date Posted: Friday, November 01, 2024, 07:58: pm

I have to ask, is it safe to use crisco?
I just can’t see using that.
That is so thick.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Babysitter grew up with enemas

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Date Posted: Saturday, November 02, 2024, 06:18: am


Crisco is edible! Used for generations for cooking. See Joyce's post in the other thread for Aug. 30. Vaseline can be irritating as I have experienced myself. Crisco is not water soluble so it will not dilute when meeting with watery liquid in the rectum or colon so the lubricating effect lasts throughout insertion and enema administration. As it is slowly warmed up while in contact with the body it becomes even more viscous and slippery.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Babysitter grew up with enemas

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Date Posted: Saturday, November 02, 2024, 06:37: am


I have a hard time with vaseline, could not see myself using crisco.
So glad the enemas are going well and junior is giving you some nice bowel movements on Wednesday and Fridays.
So glad as well, he is still a momma’s boy through and through except on Sunday evenings, lol.
I am still surprised by the sitter already getting enemas and so mature for her age.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Babysitter grew up with enemas

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Date Posted: Friday, November 08, 2024, 05:58: pm

I wanted to try another enema with the deep nozzle. It was such a different sensation starting the enema when I tried the nozzle I bought for inserting past Juniors rectum and into the sigmoid. I like the Crisco for lubricant. I like the sensation of inserting it in me and the inserting of the nozzle deep in me. I really enjoyed the enema. I took two and a half quarts. Largest enema I've ever had. It takes some time after you start the enema to feel an urgent need to hold in your rectum and squeeze so you don't leak. So yeah, AV, babysitter is sitting for us Sunday eve. We can't stay out late because Junior has to get to bed at a decent time to get up for school in the morning. I asked her if she would like to help with his clean out again and if she did that she needed to tell her mom she was helping. She has sat for me in the past and changed diapers so her mom knows she does those kind of things. Training for when being a mom herself right? She couldn't say yes fast enough. Probably was wondering when I was ever going to need her to sit for us again and secretly hoping it would be an Sunday.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Babysitter grew up with enemas

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Date Posted: Saturday, November 09, 2024, 09:39: am

You are basically allowing your sitter to live out her fantasy of being able to give someone an enema. You know she probably fantasized as we all did. I will be the first to say, I am proud of you.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Babysitter grew up with enemas

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Date Posted: Monday, November 11, 2024, 06:44: am

Well AV, I had to spoil her excitement for the evening. Our 4 year old is sick with a low grade fever and throwing up so we didn't get to go out last night for dinner. When I called her I could tell she was so disappointed she wouldn't be sitting for us. I pay her well but I know that is not now why she likes sitting on Sunday so much. I simply told her that she didn't need to sit for us because I was staying home with the youngest who was sick. I didn't mention our 6 year old or that we were planning on her helping to clean him out. But she did. She said "does ----- still have to have his enema tonight". I said yes. I should have invited her over to help because I know that's what she was hoping I would do but I just was wanting to keep things simple with his enema last night so I could deal with the sick boy. She didn't ask if she could come over anyway and that was the end of our conversation.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Babysitter grew up with enemas

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Date Posted: Monday, November 11, 2024, 10:43: am

Sorry to hear about your 4 year old. Hope he is feeling better.
I think you are absolutely right about the sitter. She enjoys Sundays because of the 6 year olds enema. You will have to make it up to her, you know that right? You have been in that fantasy position before and i can only imagine how she felt when her excitement was spoiled.
How did the 6 year old handle his enema? Did he think he wasn’t getting it since the 4 year old was sick?

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