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Date Posted: Sunday, December 15, 2024, 02:23: am
Having sitter use the knee-chest like position using the pillow as you suggest with you kneeling on the floor on her left side will give you essentially the same access to her anus and rectum as having her on your lap, possibly better. It will also allow the enemas to flow more easily into her because there will be less pressure on her belly. I suggest you discuss this with her to let her know you value her opinion and let her choose which way she prefers.
As to examining the toilet after she expels each enema, I again suggest you seek her opinion rather than forcing her to let you look. You might just discover that she isn't sensitive as you believe. Again letting her know that you value her opinion will only serve to enhance her trust.
There are several things we may discover from examining the toilet after she expells, including:
1 - blood in the stool - this is a "red flag" that requires medical attention
2 - how well the soap breaks up solid stool
3 - signs of diverticulitis
I'm sure there are other things I can't think of now. If she is opposed to your checking, try to get her to agree to just checking after the second rinse.
- Joyce
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