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Subject: Re: Update: to Shelly

Kitten Paw
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Date Posted: Tuesday, December 17, 2024, 10:05: pm
In reply to: Shelly T 's message, "Re: Update: to Shelly" on Tuesday, December 17, 2024, 09:49: pm

Oh he has a crush on her for sure. He is having trouble understanding why a big grown up girl has to have enemas too. He thinks just little kids get enemas. You said babysitter was telling you about her alleged constipation and how mom made her give her self a Fleet enema for it while he was sitting on the toilet having gone to the toilet from a suppository from her watching you two fill his enema bag. He paid attention Shelly. He was your captive audience listening to you. So she gives her self Fleet enemas and she gives him his suppository but now she has to have enemas from his mom. I would have questions too if I were him.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Update: to Shelly

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Date Posted: Wednesday, December 18, 2024, 12:13: am

I am thankful you took the time to talk to them and answer questions. Jr1 probably does have a crush on sitter, no doubt. Sitter, I would even say, due to her being giving enemas, has in her mind, like us all, has always wanted to give someone an enema, and probably secretly, in her mind, imagined given jr1 an enema. For me, that would explain her excitement of wanting to be a part of getting him ready for his enema the first time you asked her, also wanting to give jr1 an enema, and you really made her day by asking her to help restrain jr2 to help give his enema. Of course she was all smiles watching him cry out and helpless. Probably how she has felt with her mom. You did the right thing talking to them about sitter because they are going to see a lot of her on Wednesdays and Sundays plus you have opened the door with the words withholding and constipation. Withholding can lead to constipation. I know possibly due to their age and lack of fully understanding you can’t go too much into sitter’s situation with having to go to the doctor but you are actually saving them from having to experience a nurse from giving them enemas in the future. Jr1 is at that inquiring age of questioning.
Of course Jr2 doesn’t like being in Jr1’s enema world but he will be thankful in the future but who knows he may settle since he at least heard about sitter’s enemas even though he may not fully understand. Time will tell as he is being tamed for the time being.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Update: to Shelly

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Date Posted: Wednesday, December 18, 2024, 08:46: am


I would just make a few observations and suggestions. First from you describing how sitter has gone from the outgoing chatty sitter that was very conversational before to now just this very compliant, quiet, child that has to bare her bottom for some meds to get bowel movements from her. She most likely was a holder the last few years at least but may not be now. She has just stretched out her colon to the point that she has to have an enema once in a while.

To keep her coming to you for help please understand your role. You are not a psychiatrist. The time to change her bowel movements behavior with talk has long past left the station. You are in the role of a medical assistant to see to it she doesn't get severely backed up again.

To submit to you, naked and exposed, for perineal actions is maybe taking her back to a very young age in her mind. She is not 15 years old. She is much younger when mom was toilet training or at least some what monitoring bowel movements. It's a coping mechanism and it's perfectly okay that she does it. It's a way of protecting the sanity and sense if safety of the 15 year old.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Update: to Shelly

Kitten Paw
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Date Posted: Wednesday, December 18, 2024, 09:17: am

Yes she absolutely regresses to a small child to get those enemas. I had to have seven enemas and several rectal temps last weekend and I was hallucination from the fever I had and I was not feeling like a 15 year old. I regressed to about a 6 year old in my mind and actually wanting mom's treatments because I was so sick and wanting her to cure me so bad. I wanted her to take care of me like a little child so I was that very young child demanding her attention. I probably drove her nuts I was so clingy and demanding.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Update: to Shelly

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Date Posted: Wednesday, December 18, 2024, 02:34: pm

Thank you both for helping me understand the dynamics of the roles each of has to play to make this work and get her on the path of healing. Yes I know that I'm not going to talk her out of this problem and it is not my place to try to get her to tell me why she was having such issues that until recently she had been wetting the bed. And I don't need to know why and when she started holding in her stools. When I started holding in my poop it wasn't a rational thinking process. I just decided I didn't like the bathrooms at school. I taught myself how to hold it in so I did. I didn't know why I was doing it I just did it. And I too learned the technique of regressing to a very young girl when at 12 I was put on an adult size potty chair with a type of huge enema from a blue bag with a long hose hanging from it that I didn't even know existed in this world.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Update: to Shelly

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Date Posted: Thursday, December 19, 2024, 12:00: am

So our sitter came for her scheduled Wed. enema and she did a really good job. She just had to have a two part two quart enema. With a ten minute holding of the first quart and then making her take the second quart before getting on the toilet. She had to hold the first quart for 10 minutes and then I gave her second part of another quart. As she is laying on the floor doing her holding of her first quart my boys were raising the roof screaming and fighting and again dad won't be home for a while. So I had to go separate them and bring our oldest in the bathroom with sitter and I so they didn't kill each other. So he got to see his idol get another enema. She had to have the suppository because she hadn't pooped since Sun. Very large bowel movements Sun. and again today with her suppository. She should be able to sit and get the urge to evacuate so it puzzles me she won't knowing I'm going to put her over my leg and do a deep insertion of the suppository as far as I can reach. One would think that unpleasantry would spur to get a bowel movement before she comes to me. Maybe she does try, I don't know.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Update: to Shelly

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Date Posted: Thursday, December 19, 2024, 02:39: am

How is she feeling?
Is she sharing how the enemas are helping her?
i am sure her appetite is there.

Thank you for being willing to share this journey.
So many parents need to know this to prevent this.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Update: to Shelly

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Date Posted: Thursday, December 19, 2024, 12:20: pm


I still have to prompt her to get any information. She just is so nervous when she comes over that she is quiet unless I ask her something but I did ask her how she was feeling and she said she felt great with some prompting. And she agreed that she has a much improved appetite now. After another awful three hours plus of enemas on Sun., if she wasn't feeling great I don't think she would have come yesterday. But she comes and she is just so compliant. Follows direction so she can get it over with.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Update: to Shelly

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Date Posted: Thursday, December 19, 2024, 06:45: pm

I am sure she is greatful for you being the one giving the enemas instead of a unknown nurse.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Update: to Shelly

Kitten Paw
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Date Posted: Friday, December 20, 2024, 09:46: am

She is for sure! She is a freshman and those two nurses that had her in mom's master bath and on mom's bed for three hours doing enemas were like seniors in high school to her. Seniors treat freshman like second class little kids. Those two nurses were probably barely out of school, the CNA for sure. It was like two of the seniors who she despises from her school came to her house and made her get undressed and did a rectal exam, gave her a really small enema to make her have a bowel movement and proceeded to give her enemas for three hours. Watching her on the toilet to get it out. They saw that she shaves herself smooth and girls her age don't want anybody to know that they shave themselves smooth. I put it off for two years but wanting it so bad. And then when I got the courage to do it. Because I had to have an enema that night mom saw I had shaved so dad found out and I spent the weekend so sick I didn't care but he made me be in diapers and even taped them on me so I couldn't get them off to pee. If she is going to be forced to have enemas She wants Shelly to do it because Shelly is a enema mom and that makes it a little more ok and safe to go to her for her enemas.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Update: to Shelly

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Date Posted: Friday, December 20, 2024, 03:11: pm


Nothing wrong with your 7 year old in there as long as he is quiet and sitting in the corner. He saw her getting her enema while he was in there to barf in the toilet . She gave him his Sunday enema. It's just an enema. He has no concept at this age of the significance of the difference in his genitalia and hers. And she regresses to a young girl to get her enema bent over your leg and sex is the last thing from her mind at that moment.

I'm not as concerned of whether she a 15 year old gets to give a 7 year old boy his weekly enema or him seeing her bent over your leg as I am of how we can help this teen to recover. I would like to see her get a small rectum emptying enema every night for many months to come. Even an enema every other night would be beneficial. Short of that, you must continue to give her a series of enemas to get all the stool out whenever you can get her over there.

Don't stop the Sunday or Wednesday enema series. Not just one enema but repeated until returns are mostly clear and no stool.

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