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Subject: Our other troubled 15 year old

Shelly (major victory!)
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Date Posted: Friday, January 03, 2025, 09:33: pm


I've got our young lady on a schedule now where she will have a bowel movement three days after we empty her colon which is as good as a bowel movement every two days. And then a bowel movement every other day until her scheduled clean out the next week. She did have to have a suppository to get a poop out this afternoon. She did two five minute sits and tried blowing a balloon three times but just wasn't able to poop without her suppository.

Sunday and Wed. and today she was wearing the brand new underwear I got her for Christmas. Previously every pair of underwear she came over here in was stained from her stool withholding. I am so happy to see her in her new underwear so she doesn't have to be ashamed of them any more.

So while we were working on getting a bowel movement we worked out a path forward for her to get regular if only every other day stools in the toilet from her. She will come directly after school on Wed. and give me a bowel movement and then I pay her for two hours of sitting the boys so I can have some time to myself to go to the spa or manicurist or shopping or see one of my friends. When hubby gets home she can leave whether it has been two hours or not. No enemas on Wed. ever, promise. She is very pleased with that. Fridays! Oh Fridays!! Same plan for her. She has to give me sits to try to go and if not then suppository but no enemas. And her rewards for her cooperation----- Little Junior! We have moved his enema night to Fri. After I gave her her suppository I left and went and got me a massage. Told her she was paid for two hours but she could leave when hubby got home and still get paid. I also went out for dinner. Got home about an hour ago. She texted me with smiles and hearts and emojis saying she got his bath water ready gave him a suppository and put him in the bath. Waited about 10 minutes and went and got his enema ready. Took him out dried him off and he pooped for her and then she got his enema in him with just a little struggling but she warned him not to hit her and he didn't. Woo Whoo! She must have been pretty proud of herself she emojied the whole text!

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[> Subject: Re: Our other troubled 15 year old

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Date Posted: Saturday, January 04, 2025, 04:10: am

That is great news!!! Yes!!
I love the names being used, Junior and Little Junior.
I see the after bath was used. No fighting of getting clothes off.
Mom did the same thing to me. I was a fighter as well. And as I got older I was a handful to handle. She decided after bath was the best time to give me an enema. There I was already naked. All that was left was over the lap. If I gave her any trouble, two of my older brothers were called in to hold my arms and legs. I was a kicker as well and I would reach back. All of that was taken away from me and mom now had full access to fill me up.

Little junior may be tamed. He respects sitter enough not to hit her plus properly was thinking about the consequences for doing so plus his older brother. Now little junior has bragging rights to talk to his brother about getting an enema from sitter.
I love the two different enema days as well. That helps a lot.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Our other troubled 15 year old

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Date Posted: Saturday, January 04, 2025, 09:31: am


That is great news. Yes, after you empty her colon it is perfectly acceptable to expect she doesn't really need to have a bowel movement for three days because there just isn't going to be a lot delivered to her rectum before then. Every other day bowel movement for her is a huge leap forward in her healing. That enforced for many many months going forward will heal her colon. And it will train her rectum and her mind to get a bowel movement every other day which is acceptable. If you are able to afford to leave her alone to sit the boys and do their enemas for them then that is not only a reward for her cooperation but it is a huge healing moment for herself to see that enemas are a natural part of growing up for many children to keep things moving and for long term care for their colon. She is still a child emotionally so she can relate to them needing a weekly clean out and her needing a weekly clean out as well. Kudos to you for helping her through her fears.

And great handling of our other troubled 15 year old. I too saw the irony of the drama queen performances when she helps give young boys their first ever enema and her terror of the thought of her first ever bare butt on the table and feet in the stirrups. Like she says herself, "it's not like he is going to cut a couple of her fingers off". You said it so eloquently. I was trying to find the words without hurting her feelings even more so great job on handling that and calming her down a little. The male dominated medical world of women's health is just something we have to live with. They get off on getting us on the table bare butt, legs spread. Our grandmothers remember having to have a pre-marital pelvic exam because it was state law in many states. They remember getting completely shaved and given a huge enema as soon as the nurses could get their clothes off them when they showed up for labor and delivery. They remember routine episiotomies which cause horrible tearing which often lead to incredible pain and suffering for the rest of a poor mom's life just because it made the delivery go smoother for the male Dr. They remember being shamed if ever caught masturbating because only their husband is supposed to give them pleasure. I could go on. We fight to change those things and it has been a long haul. I've heard that many young male obstetricians are again ordering a huge enema when a young mother shows up in the labor room and the poor girls don't realize they have the right to say no I don't want an enema. The thought of passing stool when they are pushing horrifies them so they let the nurses give them the enema. And all just because the young male Dr. doesn't want to be bothered with a little poop. Some things never change.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Our other troubled 15 year old

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Date Posted: Saturday, January 04, 2025, 11:32: am


Well he is not tamed yet. He got his dad alone this morning and told him that the babysitter made him poop and then gave him an enema and he doesn't like it and wants dad to tell her she can't do it because she is not his mommy. Dad said to him, "well you didn't hit her did you?" No. "Good boy, so what's the problem you are going to get the enema from somebody?" Little Junior had no response. Just walked away defeated.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Our other troubled 15 year old

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Date Posted: Saturday, January 04, 2025, 12:30: pm

He was probably hoping dad would step in and take him out of the enema world but it didn’t happen.
The only advice I have is it’s probably time for a heart to heart talk with little junior. Listen to him, he listens to you. Let him know he will be getting an enema and gets his thoughts on who that should be. Remind him that junior decided to get his enema from sitter and is ok with her doing it. Ask him if he wants you to give his enema? Hopefully come to a peaceful compromise where an enema is given in peace without a struggle but bottomline he will need to understand is he will get an enema. That will not be taken off the table. He can be like his big brother and take the enema from sitter or take the enema from you and if he gives any signs of struggle, sitter will hold him in place.

Did sitter talk with little junior before the enema or just surprise him with it? If she surprised him with it, I can understand why he is questioning it, but maybe a heart to heart talk may give him an opportunity to share his feelings and help him understand like his dad told him he will be getting the enema from somebody.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Our other troubled 15 year old

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Date Posted: Saturday, January 04, 2025, 01:30: pm


I haven't talked to her other than the text I told you about. I'm guessing he learned what was going to occur as things unfolded for him. He has no concept of which day of the week this is so unless she told him it was Fri. and not Sun. and he would be getting an enema tonight then when she gave him his suppository to empty his rectum he had to know an enema would follow. We have already had that talk. He has been working me all morning. I am the meanest mom in the world because he doesn't like enemas and I know he doesn't like enemas and I still make him have them. I asked him if sitter was mean. He stuttered and hammered and said "she knows I don't want an enema!" "So, what did your dad tell you about your enemas?" That ended the conversation. He walked away again defeated. His brother watched from the door because she left it open and told him to stand by in case she needed him. He said she had his enema in there and he saw it when she was getting him out of the tub and dried and put on the toilet for the suppository to make him empty. He said his brother started crying. He didn't do that with the two of us. I said "were there real tears or was he faking it?" He couldn't tell but he thinks it was real. She got right in his face as he was on the toilet and said in a real low voice but he could still hear that she said, "It's time for your enema and if you hit or kick me I will slap you, do you understand me?" And next thing he is over her leg and she is lubing him. I would give anything to have seen that. I'll bet she was about two inches from his face and said it in a deep penetrating voice he had never heard come from her before.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Our other troubled 15 year old

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Date Posted: Saturday, January 04, 2025, 02:34: pm

Krissi would say Stay the course.
He really wants out of the enema world but it isn’t going to happen.
Sounds like sitter scared him into submission.

I remember once on the other site where a parent used a rote learning technique to drill in her son’s head he would be getting an enema. She claimed it broke him because he had to repeat it every time he got an enema.
She said she would insert the nozzle as soon as he said enema to help him make the connection to what he was repeating to the enema. Then he would have to repeat the rote statement again and as he said enema, the mom would release the water to continue to help seal the connection.
I don’t know if you want to go in that direction of a rote learning statement to break his will power.
But like krissi would say, stay the course.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Our other troubled 15 year old

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Date Posted: Sunday, January 05, 2025, 03:41: am

Little junior has been on my mind all day and night. My heart goes out to him. Wish I could hold and hug him. Enema world was his brother’s world and he was not suppose to be in it, not realizing though, you were going to start him off as well at 6 years old, but due to bowel conditions of his own, you decided to start him at 4 years old.
That enema from sitter shook his world. “She is not mommy.”
He thought going to dad would put an end to this enema world but it didn’t.

Honestly, I don’t even know what to say other than little junior is going to have to suck it up and take the enemas each week they are due to take. I can’t say anything, I was a fighter and hater of enemas as well. I do hope all things work out for little junior.

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[> Subject: Re: Our other troubled 15 year old

Sue (UK)
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Date Posted: Thursday, January 09, 2025, 04:03: pm

What can I say - you go Shelly. Use any force necessary to open their smellholes and insert the substances that make the stinky filth flow forth "on your schedule". Years of dealing with a habitual withholder have made me strict/sadistic and I don't apologise for it anymore.

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