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Subject: Re: Surrogate Parent

Kitten Paw
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Date Posted: Sunday, January 19, 2025, 01:57: pm
In reply to: Shelly 's message, "Surrogate Parent" on Friday, January 17, 2025, 09:34: am

Shelly we are not the same 15 year olds you grew up with. We think we know more then you about most everything because we learn it on the internet. You are in for the fight you might not win putting her on the toilet to perform for you. She was coming to you to avoid another performance with the nurses that were almost her age. She doesn't have to fight off her mother now. Just you.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Surrogate Parent

Kitten Paw
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Date Posted: Monday, January 20, 2025, 01:20: pm

I agree. Yesterday turning her phone off and not coming for her clean out enemas was a test. If all you do is have a 'nicey sweety' talk about her bowel movements and she has to do her make up soapy enema then you failed the test. She won! There was no consequence for dissing you. I've never had to take castor oil but I would rather have one of dad's spankings because I've heard moms tell mother about making their kids take castor oil to clean them out and they tell her they cry from the camping because it goes on four a couple of hours. If you don't want to give her the castor oil then your husband needs to give her corner time with pants and underwear down and then a good spanking. She needs consequences for her disrespecting you. I have had several over the years and it always is a good attitude adjustment for me.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Surrogate Parent

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Date Posted: Monday, January 20, 2025, 01:56: pm

Kitten paw,
You have been right about everything.
And I agree with you 100%.
Shelly, she disrespected you.
And kitten paw is right, this is just the beginning of testing you.
Like Andrea brought up, an “awe and shock” is what is needed.
We know Castor Oil would do the trick for sure.
She would definitely get a rude awakening.
And then a soapsud enema after she is cleaned out with the castro oil.
She plans to stay with you and there must be respect.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Surrogate Parent

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Date Posted: Monday, January 20, 2025, 04:23: pm

Husband and I are trying hard to get her bedroom finished except for what she would want to pick out for posters or wall art so I had Walmart delivery bring me a bottle of castor oil laxative and orange juice. What a delivery! Mom's new squeeze dropped sitter's chest of drawers about 15 minutes ago and said sitter would be heading this way momentarily. She will be greeted with a beautiful bedroom just minus some wall decorations and a glass of orange juice to drink.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Surrogate Parent

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Date Posted: Monday, January 20, 2025, 06:21: pm

Those words she said to you,
“I know how to go to the bathroom”, well, she is about to show you if you can get her to drink that glass of juice.
What a rude awakening that is coming her way.
She will not be able to fight those urges off at all.
Total clean out plus you adding a nice soapsuds or rinse following will top it all off.
Sad to say, you have to get her attention though.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Surrogate Parent

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Date Posted: Monday, January 20, 2025, 08:01: pm

Anyone who has ever taken castor oil knows this and sitter if she drinks the orange juice will experience this first hand.
This will cause her bowels to move, squeeze, and contract harder than they ever have and move more forcing her to push any stool out.
Shelly, this will surely get her undivided attention afterwords.
If she plans to stay with you long term, getting her attention and her understanding now is going to help. It is for her own good and her colon.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Surrogate Parent

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Date Posted: Monday, January 20, 2025, 11:08: pm

Well I believe we have come to an understanding how her toileting for a bowel movement will be a daily occurrence going forward. She arrived just after 3:00 pm. I got the same attitude that she is almost 16 now and she will know if she needs to have a bm or not. And she doesn't want any more enemas. I said, "well I do have an alternative. Drink this laxative in this orange juice. I don't really have time to give you your Sun. enemas that you missed anyway. I've been busy fixing you bedroom for you and I need to go get some dinner cooked for all of us". She said she would pass on the glass of orange so I grabbed her phone and keys laying there on her night table and headed for the stairs out of her bedroom. She came upstairs a few minutes later with the empty glass and asked for her keys and phone back. I gave them to her telling her I will Know in about an hour or so if she just poured it down the sink. She didn't! She had a very rough time with the castor oil for almost four hours. She was a little bit uncomfortable in one hour and then the awful cramping started. I only went down and checked on her twice because in our house you can hear the water pipes when someone flushes a toilet. For the next three hours she must have flushed the toilet 15 or more times. She was in tears with the cramping. She is on the toilet again now with her two quart rinse enema and she gave me no lip service at all when she saw me coming with her enema bag filled. 100% compliant. I hear the water pipes from a flush as I write. Attitude adjustment given Kitten Paw!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Surrogate Parent

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Date Posted: Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 03:40: am

Love it! Love it! Love it!
If she was constipated in any way, that castor oil helped her push involuntarily.
“She will know if she needs a BM or not.”
Well, I guess she knew she needed one.
The way you have described her bm struggles with large stool, she struggled in tears as the castor oil took over causing her to involuntarily push with the cramps. Her muscles are sore after a good workout.
Sure you enjoyed given that enema to sitter.
Sitter probably welcomed that enema as relief.

Shelly, I must ask, were you smiling as you were writing?
If not, know this, I am smiling as I am writing.
16 yr old attitude in check!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Surrogate Parent

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Date Posted: Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 12:41: pm

AV, I was flooded with emotions and trepidation after she drank the orange juice. What did I just do to this poor thing? A lot of new 'mommies to be' (not realizing what they have just done to them selves) take castor oil to induce labor because it makes all of the contraction muscles that both push out poop and push out babies start on fire. It gets things moving big time. For hours! But I must admit I enjoyed giving that enema more than any enema I have ever given. Like Kitten Paw said, she was testing me.

And what a different girl that came up for breakfast this morning. Polite and responsive when spoken to. And this girl can eat! Of course she had to pass on dinner last night because she was a little busy and I guess castor oil makes the tummy not want food for a while.

So tonight we will have that calm talk about "potty training" . And we will set some ground rules about freedom after school with her car and responding when I call or text. If she wishes we will take her shopping for wall decorations. And hubby went to an antique store this morning and found an antique pie safe. For those who don't know what an early 1900's pie safe is it is about six feet tall and three and a half feet wide, wooden free standing cabinet for cooling baked goods to keep the flies out of. They originally came with metal window like panels that had small holes punched in them to let air circulate while pies were cooling. Somebody has converted this into a mini clothes closet. Perfect for the amount of clothes she has to hang up. What a score! Very perky looking. She gets tonight off. No bowel movement required.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Surrogate Parent

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Date Posted: Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 02:23: pm

Yes, Kitten paw nailed it.
Sitter was testing you.
And was bold about it as well.
I am so glad you took the approach you did.
Well deserved!!
No enema could have cleaned her out any better.
That first trip to the bathroom as constipated as she probably was, was painful for her because the castor oil forced her to push.
Then four hours afterwards of diarrhea and pain.
Her bottom was on fire for sure.
That enema went deeper into her as well with no trouble.
You did good Shelly!!!!!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Surrogate Parent

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Date Posted: Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 03:33: pm

That time mom gave me that laxative tablet and forced me to go and followed it with enemas. I remember how sore and burning my anus was after a few trips to the bathroom back to back. That nozzle of that enema went into me easily and I could feel the burn of my skin as it pierced me. I can only imagine how sitter felt when that long nozzle went all the way into her without any blockage in the way and her anus on fire. You got her attention.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Surrogate Parent

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Date Posted: Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 08:20: pm


I think now may be the time to revisit the subject of carefully controlled use of Miralax. (see my post of December 14). After her experience with castor oil she may be ready to try something far gentler to slowly gain the bowel control she needs. Be sure to emphasize to Sitter that starting with a very low daily dose of Miralax will most likely have no effect at first. After the dose is gradually increased over a few weeks, she will begin to experience more BMs between her enemas until the BMs are almost daily. At that point it will be possible to reduce the frequency of enemas. If all goes well she will only need occasional enemas. (possibly only monthly)

- Joyce

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[> [> Subject: Re: Surrogate Parent

Sue (UK)
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Date Posted: Friday, January 24, 2025, 02:41: am

Re: KP's message from 01:57 pm

That's why you need to use a Bark or Qustudio type program to restrict / put-specific-filters on the internet access of an under-16 year old. It's come down to this - either you do it to them or "the State" will do it to you.

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