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Subject: Girls will be girls

Ted (They were learning all about our bodies)
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Date Posted: Monday, January 27, 2025, 05:09: pm

When I was a young boy we moved into a new housing complex. There were woods behind our houses that went deep into a forest. There were 6 girls and 3 boys by the time I moved there. The girls had a set-up where one boy (Danny) would take off all his clothes and the girls had their way with him. The girls ranged from 6 to 11. Danny was 11 and Artie was 9, I was 8. I remember getting embarrassed as the girls had fun touching and feeling Danny up. They got to see everything that made him a boy! There was a large tree branch that hid the path to where we did this. I would get extremely embarrassed seeing the girls playing with Danny and learning all about what boys hid under our clothes. Everything about us was there for the girls to see! It was very humbling. The girls would fondle him and look over at me as if to say, "I know what your's looks like and feels like!
They would talk amongst themselves about how stiff Danny was, they all went with him when he had to pee and watched. They rubbed him to a frenzy then made him lose control and releasing as we all watched! I remember my stomach would feel like it was on fire as the girls broke into laughter! I tried not to show my embarrassment but the girls just kept on teasing about it. The shame I felt was overwhelming and I would think about it all the time as the girls would mention things they did leading up to going to our little hiding spot where Danny exposed himself and they did it all over again.
I feel real stupid for going thru this so many times just to be one of the gang. I could have just stayed home or gone elsewhere but I didn't. Did anyone else experience this type of embarrassing behavior and continue to go back again and again dealing with this complete humiliation over and over?

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[> Subject: Re: Girls will be girls

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Date Posted: Monday, January 27, 2025, 07:48: pm

This raises a lot of questions.
Not one girl volunteered to be examined by the boys?
The girls were old enough to know why the sex organs were there but had no willingness to play the game of "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" and be fair enough to expose themselves?
Children are naturally curious. There is nothing surprising about them playing these games just to learn what they do not know about the anatomy of the opposite sex.

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