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Subject: Re: enemas are abuse and I don't like them

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Date Posted: Monday, February 17, 2025, 09:00: pm
In reply to: Kitten Paw 's message, "Re: enemas are abuse and I don't like them" on Monday, February 17, 2025, 05:56: pm


It may seem like we are picking on you but we are just trying to make it real for you. My daughter has to have a small rectum emptying enema each and every night before bed. I let her hold stools and mess her pants and take oral laxatives that caused even more messes and missed school and heart ache for way too long until I got brave and switched to rectal methods to make her poo. Kitten Paw's mom feels like your Mom and Grandmother that it is a good idea to clean you out once a month or so and she was had more enemas at 15 years old than she can count. Shelly is a mom with two very young boys who have very recently started a weekly enema schedule and boards a 16 year old who holds her stools like my daughter did and she is required to give a bowel movement every evening and gets an enema series to clean her out every Sunday evening before bed. I would wager to say there may be a million 12 year olds somewhere in this world who will get an enema this week or this month. Sympathy will not be handed out for simply not liking your enema or not liking your sister watch you watching her sitting. One of you getting your enema back out and the other getting their enema injected. You two are sitting there very captive. Use that time to have some heart felt conversations with your sister. The only one of the children I mentioned here that even comes close to liking their enema is my daughter. She doesn't like them. She has been told numerous times she is welcome to give herself her enema but she just can't bring herself to do it. But she will ask for her enema at bedtime if I take too long to go give it to her because she has accepted that it will happen. Your enemas will happen so find a way to cope and accept them.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: enemas are abuse and I don't like them

Kitten Paw
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Date Posted: Monday, February 17, 2025, 09:16: pm

Yeah when I came on here I thought I would get a lot of sympathy for my spankings and enemas and it didn't happen. I got words of encouragement and guidance on how to cope with my feelings about getting enemas as a teenager. But when I help mom give little kids their first ever enema after they had an appointment at mom's clinic and the parents were scared to give enemas I had no sympathy for those kids I held over mom's leg while she gave them their enemas. It's just an ENEMA!!! Get over it!!!

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: enemas are abuse and I don't like them

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Date Posted: Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 06:56: pm

Everybody is so funny ha ha ha. Well when she gets a boyfriend I'm going to tell him I get to watch her have to sit on a enema pillow that makes her go poop for her grandma. I'll see how she likes that. I hope you like your mom putting your ring in your vagina. I wish I was your Doctor. I'd make your mom give a enema and put you in a diaper. Bet you would love that huh?

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: enemas are abuse and I don't like them

Kitten Paw
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Date Posted: Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 08:28: pm

RB, Just relax. Your are at the age where you are starting to realize that your enemas are here to stay for many more years and there is nothing you can do to stop them. I was there at about 10 years old. My mom is an RN at a clinic that specializes in treating kids that hold in their poop until they go in their pants. Their parents are told to take them home and give them enemas to clean them out first. And then make them poop with suppositories or enemas until they stop holding in their poop so my mom is very tuned in to my bowel movements and the idea that all kids could use a huge enema to clean them out once in a while. I'm not happy about that but that is my life. Some time between now at 12 and three years from now when you are 15 you will be where I am. Don't want another enema. Don't like enemas. Hate it that mom is able to force me on the toilet to give her bowel movements by giving me enemas. Feel like I'm a big girl now and don't like mom sticking her finger in me to lube me and then the enema nozzle and then the enema. I'm not a magic Fairy. I can't make your enemas stop for you just like I'm not able to stop my enemas. It is humiliating to sit on the toilet getting your enema back out while your sister is sitting the enema pillow getting her enema and watching you, I get it. This has been happening now since you were four or five right? She has seen you naked and you have seen her naked and getting your enemas for a long time now. Adjust and find a way to accept that it is going to continue.

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