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Subject: A Concerned Citizen

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Date Posted: 21:30:26 05/30/02 Thu
In reply to: John Jernigan 's message, "One quick argument in favor of debate" on 12:31:42 05/30/02 Thu

While I realize my response will be nothing in comparison to the likely response of Paul, I would like to bring my own observations into the discussion.

After reading the arguments made by Jernigan, I realized two things. I noted the similar persuasion skills John has to that of Paul. More importantly, I realized how easily I could be swayed from one side to the other, much like the general public.

I agree that "the ability to analyze something and see the flaws in it or defend your proposal against the attacks of others" is vital. But I must dispute its position of highest importance in preparing one for the real world. I believe persuasion, as exemplified by John and Paul's posts, is even more essential than the art of argumentation. Afterall, the views of the general public are more easily changed by a persuasive presentation than a debate.

In my opinion, extemp is built mostly from presentation, persuasion, and knowledge of the topics. One may make a rational comparison to the knowledge obtained in extemp to the facts acquired in debate. Thus I prefer to look at the skills related to the presentation and persuasion gained in extemp. Before ever engaging in a formal disagreement, one must first present their personal views in an orderly fashion. Because persuasion is a basis for argumentation, I perceive it as more important.

I am fully aware that neither Paul nor John developed their use of persuasion solely by their involvement in extemp. However, of the two categories, extemp and debate, persuasion and presentation are more keenly demonstrated in extemp. Likewise, the art of argumentation, as demonstrated in debate, should be considered to be an added capability. Therefore, when deciding the better of the two, extemp seems to be the clear choice.

As one small sidenote, you can't kill me; you can only kill one arguments.

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One quick question in favor of debatesibo08:08:50 05/31/02 Fri

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