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Subject: One quick argument in favor of debate

John Jernigan
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Date Posted: 12:31:42 05/30/02 Thu
In reply to: MikeKnight 's message, "Debate vs Extemp" on 13:43:08 05/15/02 Wed

As I lose my forum virginity.....

First, let me acknowledge that I'm arguing in favor of debate because I like it more. I'm shallow--so be it.

I've always thought that debate teaches critical thinking better than anything else in the world. Certainly extemp relies on the ability to examine ideas, but honestly the type of "analysis" that dominates extemp is either impact assessment or qualification of stated evidence. Very few extempers critically examine the events they're speaking of. Even the best usually don't think in terms of pro-con; I know I usually look at my file, figure out what position most of the articles are taking, and then go with it. Even an ideologically extemper would be forced to take a position before the speech, and it is unlikely that they would offer many qualifications or pre-empts. Extemp just isn't the forum for that kind of argument--no one is going to argue against your speech (save maybe the usually poor cross-x in final rounds).

Debate, on the other hand (particularly on neg) forces one to think in the most critical way possible. I think policy has even made me argumentative, to the point where I'll defend almost anything just for the joy of trying to point out the flaws in other's reasoning. FX never taught me that. And when it comes to the real world, nothing will prepare you more than the ability to analyze something and see the flaws in it or defend your proposal against the attacks of others.

Looking forward to Paul's response (my body quivers with the fear of impending doom)


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Subject Author Date
A Concerned CitizenAshley21:30:26 05/30/02 Thu
Nope, still extempPaul Musgrave02:29:18 06/01/02 Sat
your body quivers?Courtney Wright12:01:36 10/17/02 Thu

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