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Subject: only squares don't like 'the block!'

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Date Posted: 20:11:08 01/08/02 Tue
In reply to: MikeKnight 's message, "Block Scheduling" on 20:12:37 01/07/02 Mon

after reading mike, sara, and sibo's complaints on why block scheduling sucks, i have decided to stand up for the block and fight back. yes, i realize three against one doesn't give me very likely odds (especially since mike is 'always right'), but it must be done. so here we go!

unlike some people, i actually like block scheduling. last year i was extremely skeptical of it, especially since mrs. merril was on the committee for it. but after one semester with 'the block,' i like it.

the basic arguments against it are:
1. teachers can't teach using the block
2. we don't need 8 minute passing periods
3. enrichment is 'freakin retarded'

answers to the first argument:
1. students complain about teachers no matter what the schedule is. good teachers use the block to their advantage (ie- adye) and bad teachers just suck anyway.
2. teachers are still changing their year class plans to adjust to block scheduling. its the first year teachers at reitz have used it, so flaws in their class planning are inevitable until they are used to the time length like they were with the previous time length.

answers to the second argument:
1. the previous schedule wasted 42 minutes each day for passing period, for a total of 210 minutes for passing period in a week. block scheduling uses 30 minutes for passing period each day, for a total of 150 minutes each week. *note- i used the 'block bell schedule regular lunch a' to calculate the times for passing period. this is the same as lunch c. passing period for b lunch has a has a different amount (don't ask me why, i don't know)*
2. sure we lose over a class period of time in the block, but we lose over a class period and a half from our old scheduling.
3. even more time is lost in the old schedule considering the time some classes take to actually get into the lesson (ie- carls class last year wasted 20 minutes everyday talking about sports. for two days this left a total of 50 minutes for the lesson. in the block, this would leave 70 minutes left for the lesson).
4. the idea of class periods using 90 minutes of time must have the extra time of the day scheduled around it evenly. therefore with 430 minutes in a school day, using 360 for class time and 40 for lunch, 30 minutes are left to divide evenly between periods otherwise known as 'passing period.'
5. the concept of longer passing periods gives students a time for bathroom breaks, going to lockers, and giving you a short break to move around and not have to sit at a desk.
6. why are you complaining about extra time that you don't have to be in a class after you just complained about having to be in the class for so long?

answers to the third argument:
1. studies show reading does improve test scores. reitz test scores are compared to other high schools in evansville, indiana, and (maybe) other states. so whether or not students choose to use this time to read, by reitz providing time to read and improve their test scores, reitz is at least attempting to take measures to raise our school's scores and some blame at the actual school for low scores can be lifted.
2. aware of the possibility of getting 'extra' homework because of the block, reitz provides a built in study hall to try and minimize this. good students use this to their advantage. bad students use this time like every other time during the day(goofing off or bored out of their mind depending on who else is in the class with them), so their argument doesn't matter.
3. for those that need it, enrichment actually does give students time to make up tests or homework assignments (ie- brandi carey is absent every other day, so it works out perfect for her).
4. mike and sara both go to the speech office and goof around or work during enrichment, so they can't complain about it. also, another reason enrichment was created was to give student council(which mike and sara are both in) more time to do their little 'student council' things (which isn't anything), so once again, they can't complain about enrichment.
5. reitz cannot let kids out 90 minutes(or more because of passing period) before all other area high schools, nor can they higher more teachers to add another class period, so enrichment is a logical solution.
6. how can someone not like only having 3 periods on blue days? you aren't in an actual class you would be graded on, its awesome!

*mike's so called 14 reasons why it sucks, have just been matched with 14 answers.
*i will grant mike one arguement. in the words of arron henze, "thats the crazy thing about block scheduling. you can't say 'i'll see you tomorrow' cause you might not."
*if nothing else, i have an extremely cheesy subject (which would make me eligible for that random job where you sit around and think of bad jokes).

yes. those are my answers. go ahead and dissect them, because i know you will. but be careful not to spend too much time on it, because you probably have 'all that extra homework.' i, on the other hand, finished it today in enrichment.


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Subject Author Date
?sibo18:48:31 01/09/02 Wed
Melody : Dumb :: Block Scheduling : RetardedMikeKnight19:48:46 01/09/02 Wed
Melody sucksSara20:08:31 01/09/02 Wed
  • U SUCK -- STEPHANIE MCMAHON, 17:19:33 10/05/02 Sat

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