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Date Posted: 17:16:57 08/21/02 Wed
Author: Kaven
Subject: sighs
In reply to: Zeno~Vannea 's message, "wondering" on 14:25:49 08/21/02 Wed

He looks at her, concerned, deep brown eyes taking in the golden tears. . However, he did not offer a shoulder or a hand, but something more. Perhaps, it is understanding. Though her distress saddens him, the look of shame does the most damage. She had been through a lot, human beings could often be the most cruel of all. He tries for a weak smile.

"Finally," he says with a half grin. "Someone that is not like everyone else. It is always good to know someone like that. I, myself, am also like you in this aspect, for i am like no one else. . . " he looks almost far-off, as though he is remembering, but he shakes himself and comes back to the present. "Are you different because of your childhood, way from human? If that be the case, do not worry, i would rather have a dragon to a human anyday. . I must admit though, we humans are a terribly lonely sort. " He smiles softly.

"If it is any consolation, i for one am very glad that you are around." he looks away as a light blush dusts his face, and akwardly clears his throat. .

"So, what is your story? That is. . . if you wish to tell it, i promise if you will tell me more of you, then i will tell you something worth knowing of me. ." he grins.

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