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Date Posted: 16:48:57 10/16/02 Wed
Author: Habentye
Subject: : :reluctant invite: :
In reply to: Altair}{Banelle 's message, "Re: : :mistake: :" on 10:39:11 10/16/02 Wed

(Your message is going to wake him up.)
Shades of black give way to grey and then light, then snow and sky. Urg. Fear of injury flies through his mind for a moment. He drifts in and out of concious, until the picture is clear. What was he doing outside? His mind snaps, suddenly awake. The woman, the dragon. He stands quickly, tearing the green smoke away from his freezing body. He struggles to stay upright.

WHERE was his SCYTHE?!?! was the first new thought he had. had she TAKEN IT?! The rage recedes.

it was cold out here.

He can sense her in his thoughts. He shudders, and falls to one knee. How he hated it.

His voice is weary.
"Mage, you have taken my scythe." he says quietly. He sounds like someone once well aqquainted with the art of manners. He turns to look at her, his features softening a bit. She was beautiful.

"Mage, you may have noticed a, difference about me." he says with disgust, deep browns drifting to memories of hatred and loss. "Forgive me, lady. I am sure you are cold, if not wet from the snow. " Soulfull eyes turn to the cave, his home. "Here," with stagger to the edge of the cliff, he wipes off the snow, revealing a small door.

It is a slide, actually, speaks the mind. You lift up the metal door, and slide down a chute into the basement of the "house." There is a fire there, and food. Besides, you and i have things to discuss, should you not be frightened.

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