Visit www.glitzandritzboutique.piczo.com for more information!

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New resale dresses added to Emerald Keys online store -- Julia, 13:42:12 08/19/08 Tue
New dresses added to the Used section of www.emeraldkeyonline.com
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Can someone tell me where I can get an Irish puff/bubble Irish dress pattern please. -- Perplexed., 18:29:45 08/06/08 Wed
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For sale Blue & white 4 panel solo dress, 6 month old (please click link inside) -- No name, 01:24:38 07/27/08 Sun
I have noticed other dresses for sale on here,If i have posted this on the wrong board i'm very sorry,
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challenging to all magicians -- kaleem (na), 14:08:56 07/14/08 Mon
My name is muhammad kaleem ullah khan. My date of birth is 28/2/1946. I am challenging all the magician in this world. is there any one who can break my magic I am a black magicians no one can beat me in this world .no one can break my magic if some one cast spell to me i will reverse his spell to him I am challenging all magicians cast spell to me and my sons i have there sons mateen , mubeen ,moiz and her mother name is salma if some one cast spell to my son I will reverse his spell to him i am challenging to all magician to beat me
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Solo dress for sale -- approx. age 7-9 -- Maureen, 20:39:39 04/15/08 Tue
For sale: beautiful 2007 Dancing in Celtic solo dress.
Perfect condition. Comes with spankies and tiara.
$1600 new, will sell for $1000 or best offer.
Red, black and white. Ruffled sleeves. Very cute!
Please e-mail for pictures and measurements.
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. -- ., 19:00:40 04/11/08 Fri
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:-) Stunning Gavin Dress For Sale ! -- Tricia, 13:58:39 12/30/07 Sun
For Sale -- GBP 1000.00 plus p&p
Gavin Doherty dress less than 8 months old and selling due to growth spurt. Immaculate condition very sparkly bodice and sleeves are red material with silver sparkle. Sleeves are red with white and black stitching and lots of silver sparkle. Bodice is red down the middle with red criss-cross and little red flowers between criss-cross and is very sparkly. The skirt is white and red sparkle outlined in black with little red flowers on front panel, red lining with white polka dots and comes with bloomers flower hairband and backing off tiara.
Measurements: waist 26"; chest 29"; from neck to waist 16"; full length from shoulder 28.5"; back of bodice 16".
Email kayleighhesford.07x@hotmail.co.uk
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*!* Dancespirit-dresses.com - The Irish Dance Dress Sale Site -- wwww.dancespirit-dresses.com, 02:21:02 12/27/07 Thu
Dancespirit-dresses.com - The Irish Dance Dress Sale Site,UK & World wide.
A large selection of second user Dance dresses at bargain prices! Buy or sell your dress online!
Large selection of Quality Dresses from all the top dressmakers including Gavin Doherty, Sopia rince, Ann Ashe, Maureen Doherty and many more.
Contact me for more details-
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Irish Dancer completes Nashville Country CD-- Take A Listen! -- Sarah Marince Fan Club, 08:54:59 12/22/07 Sat
Sarah Marince, a 17 year old Irish dancer with the Bell School in Pittsburgh, PA has spent the past few months on Music Row in Nashville completing her first Nashville CD titled "Somebody Like You." Take a listen...it's awesome! You can catch some of her songs on her music myspace which is www.myspace.com/sarahmarince. Her CD will be available for sale on CDBaby.com and other local Pittsburgh retailers the second week of January. Her CD Release Party is scheduled for January 12...go to her myspace for details. Her CD is currently being shopped to major record labels and she would love the support of the Irish Dance commnity!!! Record labels check the plays on her myspace...so if everyone would check it out and give her songs a listen...it would be a great help to Sarah moving forward.Sarah began her career singing at local feisanna and has been competing for the Bell School for nine years...let's show our support for one of our own!!
Thanks! Merry Christmas!
-Sarah Marince Fan Club
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:-) Stunning Gavin Dress For Sale -- Tricia, 09:20:55 11/23/07 Fri
For age 10 - 12 years Gavin Doherty dress less than 8 months old and selling due to growth spurt. Immaculate condition very sparkly bodice and sleeves are red material with silver sparkle. Sleeves are red with white and black stitching and lots of silver sparkle. Bodice is red down the middle with red criss-cross and little red flowers between criss-cross and is very sparkly. The skirt is white and red sparkle outlined in black with little red flowers on front panel, red lining with white polka dots and comes with bloomers flower hairband and backing off tiara.
Measurements: waist 26"; chest 29"; from neck to waist 16"; full length from shoulder 28.5"; back of bodice 16".
Email kayleighhesford.07x@hotmail.co.uk If you want any pictures ect.
1000 including postage
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Gavin dress for sale -- dancemum, 13:30:05 10/11/07 Thu
Stunning Gavin dress for sale,8 mths old.worn by one of his dancers,over all length is 27 inches,price 900 ono
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Pics of An Comhdhail's St.Agnes Feis, Belfast now uploaded to www.reeldancepix.com more to follow -- Reelpix, 03:22:57 09/10/07 Mon
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*!* Help save the Hill of Tara from development! -- Concerned Irish Dancer, 22:03:10 07/29/07 Sun
Please sign the online petition to save grounds of Tara! Visit: http://www.petitiononline.com/Temair/petition.html . People from any country can sign!
Here's what the petition says:
"To: An Taoiseach, The Irish Prime Minister
I wish to protest the planned M3 motorway through the ancient grounds of Tara. As you are aware, expert archaeologists in Ireland and internationally have pointed out that Tara is not just constituted by the actual hill, but also by the surrounding landscape, which is extraordinarily rich in archaeological monuments. This is precisely the area the planned M3 will cut through, only 1 km from the hill itself.
You are also no doubt aware that the Tara landscape is recognised as a site of not only Irish, but world importance. In particular, it holds a significant place in European cultural heritage. I therefore believe that the Irish Government has a duty to act as the respectful custodian of Tara, and all other ancient Irish archaeological sites, and to protect them for posterity and for the appreciation of present and future citizens of not just Ireland, but of all the world.
I ask you to personally intervene in this issue, and to see to it that one of the alternative routes available for the M3 motorway is chosen instead. I ask you to ensure that Tara remains completely undisturbed and that it is treated with the respect due to both a national and international cultural treasure, "
Thank you for your help!
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Raven Dance Company - Irish Dancers Required -- Raven Dance Company, 12:59:36 05/16/07 Wed
RAVEN Dance Company
Dancers wanted for new
Performing South East and London Based Shows -
Weekly Rehearsals.
Males and Females Aged 16-30 years
Non-competing Open/High Performance standard dancers.
Performance experience and open minded approach
to other dance forms a benefit.
Email: dance_angels@hotmail.co.uk
Dancers will need to perform a solo of 1-2 minutes
in length, to their own choice of music.
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:-D Please Help My Dads Firehouse -- Melissa Irish Step Dancer (Worthy Cause), 05:22:40 05/08/07 Tue
HI... I am an Irish dancer like you. My dad is a Volunteer Fire fighter in Breezy Point NY. His firehouse is in a contest to be the "best firehouse in America"... they are totally volunteer and he and his friends are very brave. I want them to win the grand prize of $100,000 for new equipment and to fix up their trucks. We are 6,000 votes behind the leader right now... We need your help. I was wondering if everyone could get behind this great firehouse and help them win (hey, they give Irish dancers a place to practice every week... you know they are good guys!)
I know how much crazy stuff comes on these message boards, but overall we're here to help each other. This would be something terrific ... can you help us? It only takes a couple of seconds to vote & then confirm your vote... less than a minute of your time could make a HUGE DIFFERENCE to a fire dept in need!
Can you forward this on to your friends too and ask them to vote... we only have a few days left!
Rockaway Point Volunteer Fire House
This contest sponsored by Circuit City and firedogSM, was open to all fire houses across America. The contest called for essay submissions of how your local fire house has demonstrated outstanding service to their community. Thousands of entries were submitted and the ROCKAWAY POINT VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT., located in Breezy Point NY, across the water from NYC, was selected as one of 10 finalists.
The essay simply told the truth about a terrific group of people. These are families like yours and mine that give their time to this Volunteer Fire Department. They are totally a VOLUNTEER group. They are not funded by any source other than contributions.
Please take the opportunity to vote for the Rockaway Point Volunteer Fire House and show your support for all their hard work and dedication that they provide, not only to their immediate community, but also to their surrounding communities, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
All you have to do is vote online.... at:
Be sure you receive a confirmation email and to validate your vote
Voting ends May 13th
Time is running out!!!
Cast your vote now for # 5
Rockaway Point Volunteer Fire House
We can win $100,000.00
for much needed fire and rescue equipment.
And so on and so on and so on!
Thank you
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Form action -- Dunn, 19:14:05 03/30/07 Fri
Is there anyone out there who has a website with Yahoo and uses Dreamweaver 8? I'm trying to offer an info form but can't, for the life of me, figure out what action to use to send the form to my business mail. ie. http:// www????formail etc. I've tried mailto: but that only opens up Outlook and doesn't send the form or the info typed in it. Any help would surely be appreciated.
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>;-) Website -- BG3mAx (www.bg3max.co.nr), 02:34:48 07/28/06 Fri
Hey everyone,
I own a website and am in the process of adding new features.
The URL is www.bg3max.co.nr
Please could anyone leave any comments on what they think of it and perhaps give me some thoughts on what I could do to improve it.
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Submitting to search engines -- Sara P, 08:56:35 04/06/06 Thu
Has or does anyone use a service to submit keywords etc. to a large variety of websites?
Have you found this a worthwhile expendature of money?
Thank you,
Sara P.
O'Rielly's Daughter Artworx
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Used Irish Dance Dress Sites -- Amy, 16:12:24 01/19/06 Thu
Hi everyone!
I was wondering if anyone could tell me if they know of any good used irish dance dress sites. I'm trying to find a good-quality used dress and so far I have only found a few sites that have a variety of dresses. I still haven't found the perfect dress and I'm starting to get irritated, please help me find some good sites.
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- Re: Used Irish Dance Dress Sites -- Vancouver, Canada, 14:30:24 02/27/06 Mon
- www.mcgahanlees.com/wwwmaureenonesti.com/www.dance.net (NT) -- theres a few X, 10:39:07 03/03/06 Fri
- Re: www.maureen onesti school she has lovely dresses for sale on her site (NT) -- mom, 07:11:45 07/17/06 Mon
- www.dance-again.com, great site for buying/selling dresses. Lisa provides a great service. (NT) -- dancer, 23:49:03 11/01/06 Wed
- Re: Used Irish Dance Dress Sites -- hannah, 16:24:13 11/13/06 Mon
- Re: Used Irish Dance Dress Sites -- The Irish Dance Place, 14:27:33 11/17/06 Fri
- you may also try backbattertoe.com, only top designer dresses posted (NT) -- no out of date styles, 10:08:43 04/25/07 Wed
- :-)Re: Used Irish Dance Dress Sites -- diana ellery, 14:28:42 03/21/08 Fri
ABC TV is Looing for Irish Dancing Families -- Virgil, 11:04:48 01/18/06 Wed
If your family practices and performs Irish dancing several times a week and is passionate about it, you are the family we are looking for!
The premise of Wife Swap, which generated a lot of buzz in its inaugural season, is that one parent from each household swaps places for a week to experience how another family runs their lives. It is an incredible family experience and opportunity to both learn and teach different family values.
Wife Swap is a fascinating story of what happens when two married couples see themselves and their spouses in a whole new light. The New York Post says, "It should be called Life Swap because it's not just the wives who learn something here. It's the families."
Potential families can live anywhere in the United States, but we ask that families who apply consist of two parents that have at least one child, ages 5 or older, living at home. To submit for the show please call 212-404-1469, or email a family photo and description to Virgil.Dorjo@rdfusa.com.
Families featured on the show will receive a $20,000 honorarium. If you recommend a great family that ends up on our show you get a finders fee of $1,000
*Family must complete taping and show must air*.
More information is available at:
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Having trouble finding a new web hosting site. Need advice! -- Jess, 15:23:44 12/31/05 Sat
Hi, It's Jess from www.backbattertoe.com.
My site has bet getting some wonderful attention but my band width gets sucked up like crazy. I already shrunk down all the pic's nice and small but that deosn't seem to help too much. The hit count per page is crazy! I am pretty much a computer dummy and need a a super user friendly site with funky templates. I could really use suggestions.
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? I may have sold some advertising on my site. It's accommodation at the time of the Aussie Nats. -- Colleen of Canberra, 00:36:00 11/23/05 Wed
I'm wanting to figure out a way of tracking any reservations made. The management don't have any ideas so I'm trying to come up with something. I thought perhaps if I could find some html similiar to the subject message (?subject=) but perhaps put my own email address in the copy to line and as well even in the actual text body something that says "please remember to reply-all" so I can track reservations. I just don't know how to do things like that. Can anyone help me please? Perhaps you might know of a better way ... I'd appreciate any suggestions.
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Oireachtas Fundraiser Flashing Pumpkins and Ghost Pins for Halloween -- Reelfundraisers, 23:16:52 09/15/05 Thu
For example, if you have 40 students your profit would be $1,920. E-mail Reelfundraisers@aol.com for more information.
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www.DanceInIreland.com site for sale -- Dance In Ireland, 16:19:32 09/14/05 Wed
The web domain www.DanceInIreland.com is available for purchase.
It is one of the premier addresses within the Irish Dance community with scores and scores of links directed to it.
We will auction the rights to this domain on Ebay September 28.
Please contact with questions
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http://feisdancer.com -- This is my site!! I would appreciate any comments!!, 15:16:27 09/03/05 Sat
This is the first web-site I have ever constructed. Needless to say, it has been a learning experience. Please let me know what you think!!
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Alt Key -- Lisa Dance-Again, 16:23:52 08/15/05 Mon
Hi Everyone,
Does anyone know if there is an alt key code to make a Euro's symbol? My Australian keyboard only has a $ sign and I sometimes need a Euro symbol for my site. I have the code for pounds, but not Euros, if there even is one. Thanks.
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How old to you have to be to go into shows? -- superman, 10:30:18 06/17/05 Fri
I was just wondering how old you have to be to go into dancing shows?
Does anyone know what the pay is like?
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World Champions choice of shoe -- Craig Hullachan, 07:18:22 06/10/05 Fri
'The World Champions have now spoken'
In the article featured on the World Champions in the Irish Dancing Magazine during June and July 2005, the World Champions were asked what their favourite light shoe was. 8 out of 11 World Champions said that they preferred Hullachan as their Light Shoe. Naturally we are over the moon in getting such a recommendation by these superb dancers. For me, as designer, it really makes all my work and research worthwhile. That kind of support can not be bought. It only happens when a product delivers the edge that dancers need. Hullachan is famous for its protective elements and the new Hullachan AP is the results of two years work to improve dancers safety while looking wonderful.
(Source: Irish Dancing Magazine interviews June & July 2005.)"
(ps. we think that the only reason the other three are not in this group is because they have not tried the new Hullachan AP. !)
Lots of love, Craig
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? Have a website that was done for me by someone who isnt around and need to make additions etc -- jm, 18:00:07 04/21/05 Thu
I can make minor adjustments to pages using an HTML guide but now need to add an extra page for new things Im going to sell and want to be able to add pics etc and put a link to new page on my main page etc and have no idea how to do it!!! I would like the whole thing somewhere were I dont need to use HTML . Any ideas anyone
Bizland www.bizland.com is the host/server and so far have been happy but their site seems confusing for doing major stuff
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How do you post a link in a Voy forum subject? -- thanks, 09:45:19 04/20/05 Wed
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? Google image "theft" -- Kelley, 08:04:30 04/16/05 Sat
Anyone know how to prevent google from taking my images? I guess I can rename them from time to time. I put a script in when I made my latest website that is suppose to prevent those kinds of things but I'm not sure how to test it. I've also had the "no right click" script in since I started--I'm sure that helps with some users but not for the way google (and others) get them.
Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.
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Hello all great and powerful ones! -- Colleen of Canberra, 20:20:04 03/28/05 Mon
You all seem to be able to help with many different questions so I'm hoping you'll be able to help me too!!! I'm trying to reduce the amount of photos I have of dresses on some of my pages. I would like to replace them with a free slideshow that people can flick through manually. I have found this link http://www.ericharshbarger.org/cgi-bin/j.cgi?slideshow/index.html on a site with the slideshow instructions below but I can't open it as I don't know an extension that will do the trick. Is anyone able to help me ... or perhaps you might know of another free slideshow that I could use.
My fingers are crossed! Many thanks from the lowly and duh one!
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Looking to open up a dancing school. How do I go about getting school costumes made? -- New TCRG, 11:56:54 03/28/05 Mon
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Ok this may actually be simple, -- Peta, 17:55:16 03/11/05 Fri
but, I've created a web page for a dress maker (my mum) using Microsoft frontpage. Now we have a web address that came with our internet provider. I think I've loaded it up to the FTP link thingy that they gave me, but how do I actually get it on the internet. It's not there when I type in our web address and I thought loading it to the FTP link would do it. Can someone help? did this make any sense?
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photo resolution -- Lisa Dance-Again, 04:23:44 02/24/05 Thu
Hi everyone. I need to send a photo to Irish Dancing Magazine and they want it to be 300dpi. In photoshop the photo that I have sent them is "300 pixels/inch" under "image size" is that the same thing? I sent it to them but they have just sent me an email back saying they need "higher resolution of 300 dpi in one of the following formats: pdf, tiff, eps file or high resolution jpeg."
Am I doing something wrong? The image I am sending is a .jpg
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This is probably a duh thing -- Kelley, 09:50:54 02/22/05 Tue
How do you "erase" a webpage that is not current and you don't want it available to be seen anymore? I suppose you can FTP a blank page that is named the same thing but is a better way?
Thank you!
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Deleting photos -- Lisa Dance-Again, 17:45:30 01/08/05 Sat
I am trying to clean up my computer and want to delete some of the hundreds of dress photos I have saved. My problem is that when I delete them, my computer automatically pops up a window that says "copying" and then "copying from dresses to dresses" and puts them all back, renamed as "copy xxxx.jpg" so I am getting nowhere! I have tried to find if there is a setting somewhere to tell my computer to do this but I can't find anything. Does anyone know what I am talking about and how I can switch it off so that I can delete them for good?
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Joseph McConellogue and Aidan King are revolutionising the internet! -- Joseph McConellogue, 15:50:17 12/01/04 Wed
Hello folks! Joseph McConellogue here. Aidan King and I have launched a new revolutionary web site. Please take a look at our web development, graphic design, print advertising and marketing solutions located on our web site at www.peterboroughdirect.com. Whether you are a teacher, a feis committee, supplier or a dancer we have the talent and ability to drive traffic to your site, boost awareness and increase overall revenue.
And don't forget to ask about our special December rates.
Please call Joseph at 705.742.3822 or by email at joseph@peterboroughdirect.com
Thanks for your time and speak to you soon!
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Jean Butler workshop in Colorado -- workshop organizer, 18:10:29 10/12/04 Tue
Jean Butler will be holding a workshop in Colorado at the end of January/2005. If you are intrested in attending or have questions please contact me.
Workshop Organizer
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Just found this great site! I'm hoping someone can help me! -- mom, 05:03:02 08/30/04 Mon
I have the graphic of the little dancing hardshoes and want to add it to our school's site. I can get it to appear on the page, but can't get it to actually dance! Can anyone tell me how to do this? Thanks in advance!
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i was checking through dress websites -- interesting night on the net:), 05:49:33 06/18/04 Fri
and looking to see what others use as keywords for the search engines as i'm redoing my site and writing the keyword stuff is always a pain, you know, how many ways can i put irish dance dresses, irish dance dress, costume, costumes etc. and i found one site that uses my name and site name and one other site name as some of thier keywords. it was interesting to see what others use on their list but i didn't expect to find my name on some-ones list. it was the only site i found that uses other peoples names to attact people to thier site. had a laugh when i found it, seems a little over the top to me to use other peoples names but i guess some people feel they need to use others to get people to thier sites:) but would any of you concider putting the names of others in your keywords or do you think as i do there is no need to?
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Website problems -- Shannon, 16:06:01 04/02/04 Fri
I've been having some major problems getting my website to work. I redesigned it, and have uploaded it several times. I checked the ftp server thingie and all the files are there... yet the page still wont load... I keep getting the "this is the future home of..."
Anyone else ever had any problems with doteasy? I just changed over to using frontpage, and I did get the provider to change over to using front page extensions.
any suggestions?
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How can I do this? -- Lisa-DanceAgain, 19:24:39 03/30/04 Tue
I have had an offer from a vendor to advertise some of there products on my site. At first it will be a free trial, but if it proves sucessful, they are wanting to pay for the advertising by way of a commission for sales or something similar.
Our problem is, both of us are, shall we say, html challenged! I know that I can put up a photo of the item for sale and a link to the vendors site, but this will not let the vendor know that the click through has come from my site. Apart from the vendor asking every person that orders these particular items if they clicked through my site, is there anything else we can do? Thanks!
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JPG and GIF images don't work -- little bird, 18:07:05 03/19/04 Fri
I'm working on my first web site for our feis. The JPG images just have little red X's and the GIF images look all blurry. It looked OK on my PC but when I loaded on the server it looks awful. Any suggestions are very much appreciated.
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I've just today noticed that someone has taken a picture from my site without permission. -- LeAnna-www.solodresses.com, 14:59:54 03/17/04 Wed
I think they just did it for St. Patricks day, so I really don't care except that I think they have it linked so they are using my server to post it on there sight, instead of copying it- does that make sense?I think I've read on the board a code to disable this from happening- does anybody know?
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Script? Trick? -- Ashe, 21:16:25 03/09/04 Tue
I seem to remember that somewhere out in the web ether, there is a script or such that I could use on a site that will automatically reload the newest page onto a visitor's browser. Anyone have it? I have a client whose site will take an entire day to change the page naturally, and it's frustrating me, especially as it is a business and updates are very important!
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Color Inspiration? -- Ashe, 14:09:42 01/29/04 Thu
All of the color schemes I'm coming up with - primarily pastels and neutrals - don't seem to suit the more bold, primary Diochra feel. Where does everyone get their color scheme ideas? Any favorite sites? Any color suggestions? I'm slightly sick of one color/black/white, but I'd like to keep with the one color/neutrals theme, or one color, complimentary color/shade, neutrals.
Argh. Cream, pink and mint does not a happy Diochra designer make! I feel like I'm doing the same thing over again with the primaries, though. I really, really want to try different colors.
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Goodness Gracious -- Erin, 13:44:48 01/13/04 Tue
^ it's mine! woohoo!
and it's different and domain namey and woooooo, have many ideas.
take a look! it'll be fun. if its not, you can yell at me.
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Hello? ;) -- Ashe, 21:11:58 01/10/04 Sat
Been trying to post lately, but getting wacky error messages.
Anyone else still out there? ;)
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Dress 1901 on Dance Again is beautiful -- www.dance-again.com, 14:41:43 12/18/03 Thu
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:-) squee! :) -- Sandra, 21:22:11 11/10/03 Mon
Ashe! Wonderful new splash page and design mini-site! You've become quite the master of background tiles.
Go Erinno! The comics are hilarious! Keep them coming (after Oireachtas at least!)
Hopefully we'll all escape from the Dark Ages of Dance Pages soon enough.
(To you nagging folk: Yes, I'm still working on the redesign! In wee bits and pieces, but yes.)
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new website -- kelly, 15:23:27 11/09/03 Sun
I've finished with my new website for boys. www.reelboyz.com Please help me spread the word. I make dance vests and celtic embroidered ties. Great for school colors! Let me know what everyone thinks and what they would like to see! Thanks
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DANCE DRESS FOR SALE -- Vanessa & Kathi Wirth, 09:35:13 10/11/03 Sat
Beautiful dress for sale just in time for the Oireachtas!!
Worn by Champion dancer.
2 1/2 years old made by Siopa Rince. Excellent condition. material is raw silk.
Will fit individual that is about 5'4'' in hight
Neck to waist: 16"
Shoulder to Shoulder:13"
Chest: 32"
Skirt Length: 16"
Sleeve length 23"
Waist: 26"
Overall Length: 32"
Magenta,black front panel with multi-coloured embroidery.
Bloomers, two tiaras, a dress bag, and plastic number holder included.
Price: $1000.00 Canadian Dollars
(plus shipping and handling)
To see pictures email: kathiw@mts.net
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Some more good articles... -- Christy, 11:30:23 10/06/03 Mon
my webhost has some really good article on a variety of web 'issues':
TCH Jeering Jargon
and if you want to read some user feedback on them go here.
just thought I'd share. =)
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*!* Another Site Revamp -- Clicky-Ray, 07:34:49 10/05/03 Sun
Hello... I have finally got off my lazy bone idol but and re vampped my website. The reason it was left for a while was due to college and other reasons :(/ Its back now with!
Cd reviews:
New feis Dates: Adding world feis dates soon NOT JUST UK!
Screen savers:
Great britain special added.. Pictures to follow event
Images: Pictures from me and steph meeting for first time EVER>..
Please check it out . http://www.clickyfeet.cjb.net and if you like it enough , ad it to your links page on your site ;)
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*!* Site re-vamp! http://www.dancespirit.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ -- *Dancespirit*, 04:24:54 10/05/03 Sun
Hi all, I made some changes on my site and wondered if you have time to check it out & let me know what u think please.
Much obliged.
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? Editing pdf files -- kelt, 01:10:29 09/28/03 Sun
Is there a way to copy and paste a pdf doc to word or text so I may edit it?
Each time I do its just like a jpg file and comes out like a pic you cant edit.
much obliged
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new board -- jessie-rae, 20:47:53 09/23/03 Tue
I just set up a new message board for Ireland's Dance. You can check it out at http://irelandsdance.proboards12.com
feel free to post if you want!!!!
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Okay- I know this is basic, but -- -- ?, 16:16:52 09/17/03 Wed
how do you insert a clickable link into a message board that allows html, so that you click the name of the site and it takes you straight to the site?
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Okay- I know this is basic, but -- -- ?, 16:13:42 09/17/03 Wed
how do you insert a clickable link into a message board that allows html, so that you click the name of the site and it takes you straight to the site?
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? Sound wavs -- Kelt, 06:42:03 09/04/03 Thu
Could someone please tell me how to put Music/song sound wavs onsite so as people may click and play or download?
I would so appreciate this.
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? Sound wavs -- Kelt, 06:40:43 09/04/03 Thu
Could someone please tell me how to put Music/song sound wavs onsite so as people may click and play or download?
I would so appreciate this.
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::does the matrix time slowing thing:: -- Erin, 12:43:03 08/30/03 Sat
is it me, or as time in the internet irish dancing world slowly come to a stand still?
Lots of websites are doing the whole overhaul thing, which is cool, cause soon enough there going to be all new looks and such. But nothing much is happening elsewhere. Where'd everybody go? (Not that I should really talk, mind you, but thats not the point. ack. please dont point fingers ::hides::)
On a completely random (in a way) note, I actually put up my website again. and now you can get to it from http://poodlesox.ca.tc .Everybody say hello, and keep everything aliive!
-Erin (the irish dancing hypocrite)
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An interesting article on design.... -- Christy, 09:58:28 08/18/03 Mon
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wps -- Lisa-DanceAgain, 16:58:07 08/17/03 Sun
I have been sent a file with the extension .wps but my computer wont open it. Does anyone know what this is and what program I could use to open it? I have all the usual Word, Publisher, Excel, Adobe....any suggestions?
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Question... -- Jessica, 13:43:17 08/07/03 Thu
Does any one know how to do scrolling with in a table
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Dresses -- Dancer, 12:31:31 07/30/03 Wed
Are two tone dresses still in style or is just one colour more in style?
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Hit counter -- Kelley, 20:42:22 07/16/03 Wed
Bravenet has gone wacky with their upgrades and the free counters are not very nice anymore. Anyone have any suggestions? Thank you!
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? HELP !!!!! HOW DO I GET STARTED??? -- TRIED COULDN'T DO IT, 14:27:34 07/10/03 Thu
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Hi! Does anyone here use an ftp server when downloading to their website? -- Rachel, 00:50:39 06/29/03 Sun
I'm having a problem viewing my site on the web and I can't contact the server administrator as she's on maternity leave.
I've downloaded all my new updated pages to the ftp server, and I can log in and see all the files there, but when I view the site on the web, all the old pages are still there.
Believe me, I've refreshed and reloaded a million times! I know it's hard to know what's going on when you can't see the files on the ftp server, but I was wondering if anyone had any trouble-shooting ideas i.e. things I could check for. Thanks.
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It's on its way! -- Jessica, 17:31:52 06/26/03 Thu
I finally have started my redesign of ceiligirls
http://www.ceiligirls.com I only have 2 pages up right now but let me know what you think.
And oh yeah I finaly got my dress done it's on the second page!
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? Can someone tell me in plain english, inside.... -- thanks!, 14:58:17 06/16/03 Mon
step by step, how to disable the copy function on pictures. I have a yahoo geocities site.
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PHP? -- Christy, 14:09:50 06/16/03 Mon
does anyone use PHP for their site?
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Diochra.com redo... -- Ashe, 18:58:57 06/15/03 Sun
Okay, is this just an odd color scheme? It's like... Diochra.com meets the Army meets a pastel lemonade stand, err something. I started out trying to use green and orange/gold, then it just kind of mutated...
I'm at a near loss here, people. I looked in my Diochra.com notebook (which hasn't been used in forever) and noticed notes for an August 2002 redesign... that NEVER got done. Almost a year and I, ASHE, have barely UPDATED, let alone redesigned. (Okay, I redid the front page, wow.) Oy. I plan on making this new version more update-friendly.
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Ireland's Dance -- jessie-rae, 13:17:42 06/15/03 Sun
yeh - good while after i finished, but I have redesigned ireland's Dance.
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? Bah... -- anonydancer, 17:27:05 06/13/03 Fri
Grr. I just recently started a new website, and whenever I've tried to upload one page, Geocities says the file is invalid...which it isn't. It's named "history.html", and the actual code and everything is fine. I've emailed Geocities, but they haven't said anything back. (of course, lol) Has anyone else had this problem and know how to fix it? Thank you!
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*!* Cafepress Warning... -- Erin, 11:18:05 06/08/03 Sun
Head's up to any cafepress (cafeshops, whatever it is) users/ They're changing their TOS and right now it sounds like its taking a turn for the worse. Some new things include taking trademark regitration for your images and needing you tax information and transactions fees, which are all sounding very not cool.
the new policy can be found here: http://www.cafepress.com/cp/info/help/new_memberagreement.aspx
and there's a whole site about why the changes are bad here: http://www.giveneyestosee.com/say-no-to-cafepress/
it goes into effect July 1st. Just a heads up - i hope it won't be anything too serious (and that they might change it), but better safe than sorry...
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Nothing to do with I.D but... -- Lisa-DanceAgain, 23:34:04 05/31/03 Sat
I wonder if anyone can help...my girls have the Avril Lavigne CD and on the front there is a sticker that says "Enhanced cd, featuring the Complicated video, exclusive song, lyrics and special video footage" but for the life of me I can't figure out how to get to them.
I have tried puting the cd into our dvd player, but that didn't work, I have tried opening it in Windows media player and that didn't work. I have just now made a copy of the disc for them and when I opened it in Nero it comes up showing that the extra files are there, but when i try to open them it comes up as an unrecognised file. Any ideas?
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New School Website -- megs, 08:59:17 05/31/03 Sat
Well, it's done. My latest project was the redesign of my school website... and integrating it much more with our adults site.
Let me know what you all think....
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Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0( -- jessie-rae, 10:20:47 05/30/03 Fri
I just been updating Ireland's Dance.. started off by deleting all the files I didn't need anymore, or so I thought.. till I realised I hadn't copied the greeting cards images onto my computer.. and had just deleted them from the server.. and have no copies ANYWHERE!!!!!!!!
:0( The only place I will have the files (but not optimised).. is at mum's on her computer.. where I don;t live anymore. SNIIIIIIIIFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
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? PDF File needed... -- Jill, 07:55:26 05/21/03 Wed
Can anyone create a PDF file for me? I am getting ready to put a syllabus on the web page and have a link for people to download to Word, but would like an Adobe file also if possible. Is there someway I can do it without the software (file...save as?) It is currently in Word.
I would appreciate any advice!
(Youngstown Feis webmom)
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New and *improved* Damhsoir.com -- megs, 21:46:30 05/16/03 Fri
I've redesigned Damhsoir.com (all in one night! Ugh!) and the new site is up and running. Love to know what folks think...
I site need to do a site map and a search engine, but maybe tomorrow.
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bah! -- Christy, 06:14:59 05/16/03 Fri
So I get a random e-mail today telling me that my host is apparently closing. so, with that said, the word according to them (not the host, someone else) is not to use featureprice.com ... so I guess they are no longer the good deal that they were a year ago when I signed up with them.
more info on why you shouldn't use them is at
now granted, the only problem I've had with them in the last nine months has been that my site was down for a week!
so, anywho. avoid featureprice.com - even if I haven't had major problems, others (including Ashe, I believe) have.
now, has anyone used www.iPowerWeb.com ??? they're one of my top 2 choices for switching.
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OK once again can't seen to figure anything out for myself -- Shannon, 08:01:59 05/02/03 Fri
I am desiginging the website for the Emerald Isle feis. I have everything up except for one.
I can't figure out how to make the syllabus accessable.
I was fine when I was using geocities, but now I am using some webpage designer, and it is giving me grief.
Anyone know how to bypass this?
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OK once again can't seen to figure anything out for myself -- Shannon, 08:00:34 05/02/03 Fri
I am desiginging the website for the Emerald Isle feis. I have everything up except for one.
I can't figure out how to make the syllabus accessable.
I was fine when I was using geocities, but now I am using some webpage designer, and it is giving me grief.
Anyone know how to bypass this?
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Great sadness -- Dancespirit, 01:03:04 04/27/03 Sun
It is with great sadness I have to tell you that my Mother has passed away yesterday:(((((
and I am in a state of shock.
Please bear with me as I try to arrange things and keep hold of myself and children.
Pray for us.
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Geocities -- Lisa-DanceAgain, 02:51:47 04/26/03 Sat
Is anyone else with a Geocities website having trouble at the moment? I am able to update text on my site but it wont let me upload photos. Is it just me or is everyone the same?
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New Software! -- Jenny, 05:06:33 04/23/03 Wed
I just spent $1K and got Macromedia Studio MX. It is wonderful! Anyone else use it? I am starting a new part time job, and it will include web development (which is why I got it).
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Is it me? -- megs, 17:59:48 04/14/03 Mon
...or is Dancer's Tale down? Christy? Anyone?
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- whats the website? (NT) -- ??, 19:32:15 04/14/03 Mon
- http://www.dancers-tale.com (NT) -- megs, 06:07:23 04/15/03 Tue
- well, it's working now! (obviously ;) silly servers do that sometimes. (NT) -- Sandra, 17:05:22 04/16/03 Wed
- 5 days, 9 hours, 44 minutes, 31 seconds... that's how long it's been down - just came up today! grrr (NT) -- Christy, 18:05:21 04/16/03 Wed
- Nooo, Ghillie Studio is down! So is my mail! Yahoo! hosting must be one odd pickle right now. (NT) -- Sandra, 11:52:24 04/21/03 Mon
Having another whinge!! -- Lisa-DanceAgain, 04:51:38 04/08/03 Tue
Ok so I am venting now, please excuse! I just got this email....
"Love this site, but would love to see it updated more frequently! Thanks for your help "
Well I am like 'Is almost every day not often enough for you!!'ggggggrrrrrrrr!!
I'm done now, thanks for listening, I feel better now! off I go to look for chocolate :0)
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