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Date Posted: 17:48:47 10/21/02 Mon
Author: Unruley & Satan
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Subject: ~*~The Lies...They Come Swiftly~*~ šSpeaking of The Devilš
In reply to: Black Follower & Black Mischief 's message, "+Together Forever(Of Love Not Lost)+" on 13:58:02 10/19/02 Sat

Though the steed hadn't expected such a "physical" greeting. He jerked back dished head momentarily and watched her dissappear thinking weather or not he should go along with the game. Auds flicked forward watching her dissappear, nares flared anticipating then fore dagger took it's place before his being, and the rest seemed to follow as he took to a flaming gallop. He thought by now such a filly would outgrow the games, his cranium arisen he was a star gazer in his full-stride. "I thought by now you would have known you never win this foolishness." He laughed slightly as he cired the words out to her. Thundering forward daggers left behind deep smoldering prints with the force. Easily catching to the old friend tagged her pelt with mug and whirled in opposite direction stopping within eye-sight of the larger group. Bold figure turned angeling to watch her reaction. The evil grin seemed to be smeered across hell-raisers face.

Unruley excepted young femmora's greeting yet fear took it's place slightly receiving the gesture from the familar steed. Though she dare not show emotion through blank optics she never knew if accepting touch from the other gender would be so easy. Misery had been the shame of her life, she knew the flirtatious tempting with others would soon take it's dues and finally it had come with Misery's temporary insanity. Flashbacks flooded into fatales mind, shaking them from her thoughts by tossing crest. Realizing moving on must happen now, the steed would pay for the sin somewhere on down his road. She watched the way Mischeif tenderly touched Nightingale realizing the two had come together a slight grin came to facial, "I see thou hast finally found yourselves with each other, I had hoped the best for the two of you and it seems to have come." Unruley could only wish for such to happen for she knew Crimpson Flames was the only but he was gone as was everything else. She looked to her sibling now realizing she wasn't familar with the long time allies, "I'm sorry Dancer I hadn't realized you know not of my friends, I met Nightingale (mug goes in femme's direction) in a small spute long ago but turned to a friendship in the end, and the two others are Black Follower and Black Mischeif, Follower is a decendant of past royals, also long time allies."

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> ..open your hate and let it flow into me.. -- Slave Dancer, 16:33:26 10/22/02 Tue (

..open up your hate and let it flow into me..

..fatale barely gave an acknowledgement of the opposing equines, her mind lay elsewhere:unruley..

..with a steady gaze, slave dancer allowed her optics to glance over her bodice once more. well-trained eyesight was searching for any little deformation, weight-gain, even weight-loss..

..with a determined scanning she barely caught a glimpse of unruley's slightened weight gain. with that small hint, no matter how unlikely it was unrelated to her laid-back nature, slave dancer took it a bit seriously..

..with a throaty yet sisterly tone in her voice she spoke to unruley.my sister, may i speak with you in private?the hue and glint in her oculi proved that she was serious and that what she wanted to speak with her about was a serious matter..

..madness is the gift that has been given to me..

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> +Together Forever (Of Love Not Lost)+ -- Black Follower+ Mischief, 12:14:03 11/02/02 Sat (

+Jet black cranium raised in direction of her hellion friend the filly slowed down to a walk as fast as her hellion bones would let her. She smiled at her old frien d and said "Didn't you know I'd never outgrow a good run-away from the "parents"?" she laughed her evil laugh and then trotted to his side. She had remembered when her "mother" had told her of the love she had had for him but she shied away at the thought they were just friends anyway and thats all he wanted to be she knew. But she still enjoyed his breath close to her again. He was always warm to her she knew not of why though. She coughed and then lay down in a month or two she must be married of as her hellion gaurdians say. "You're to rambunctious. What good hellion man would marry an improper princess like you?" she spoke the words aloud and then embarrased a slight rosy color lifted to her cheeks then disappeared as she said "My gaurdians are always telling me that. I don't want to marry anone anyway." She laughed and then got up her smile faint she slowly walked over to the prince then fell again. She had been having trouble walking m=normally for about a week. She was overly stimulated as her gaurdians said. But she got up again and smelled the air. A look of terror shot threw her eyes and she quickly got behind Satan. She had smelled that of the Stallion Nexar. A goodie who refused to take no for an answer.+

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