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Date Posted: 14:03:52 10/24/02 Thu
Author: Slave Dancer
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Subject: ..open your hate..
In reply to: Unruley 's message, "~*~The Lies..They Come Swiftly~*~" on 14:01:43 10/24/02 Thu

..open up your hate and let it flow into me..

..a halt was made at her sister's words. whining about it, is that what i do? huh? i killed him right after it happened. i took care of myself when it happened. all you did was cry,'daddy,dady, help me!' and everyone rushes to your side. you are a spoiled brat who knows nothing about hell or about living there. you hear the laws from a father who hasn't lived in hell for the last several years. sorry to break it to you sweetie, but you could never survive alone in hell. dyrad never turned around when she spoke to unruley, for her temperment was too unpredictable, exspecially with this subject..

..and i do not need you to have friends. i have friends of my own. this isn't a popularity contest, and like anyone who wins a popularity contest you are all talk. the natural viciousness was shining through. there was no emotion shown in her steps, her movements in any matter..

..there is reasons in why he raped you and maybe you should learn that the world does not revolve around you. and that there is always going to be a reaction, whether it's insanity or not. misery decay will not fall to your feet like a whimpering dog, he will not even fall to the likes of you. you are no different then any other mare in hell, unruley. you did nothing to earn respect, except get lucky to have a prince as a father. killing a few brinuckians in only several battles doesn't count hun, welcome to the real world. just because they bow doesn't mean the respect or like you, the only respect you give off is your lineage. and i earned my respect, dear sister. i didn't get appointed general for nothing, i fought and killed to get there. go back to humnaptra and leave the hellions alone for your prescense in hell will do of no good. it will only bring the followers of hell into a pit and that is why i left. so that i do not have to see the horror of my heritage go spiraling downwards because a princess is too weak to help. with those finally words she disappeared amoungst the shadows once more..

..madness is the gift that has been given to me..

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