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Subject: yes, that is true

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Date Posted: 13:54:00 12/07/02 Sat
In reply to: Chrissy 's message, "I have been posting. In fact, Tears and Twilight were having a conversation just a couple days ago." on 18:11:35 12/04/02 Wed

On the contrary, that was like a week ago, and I have posted way before that, and they have not posted, I just don't see the point if know one replies to me anymore, either they are mad, or they just aren't on, and I'm sick of checking every stinking day and no one is here, this used to be very active, and then they just stopped, all except for me, I have waited for them to reply, and when that didn't work, I made newer posts, and they haven't replied, so I just kind of forgot, and now I'm not gonna do it for a while, and then I'll be back when you guys are active, so I won't have to check every day like I've been doing. It waistes all my time, and I'm just fed up with it, and that's all.

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[> [> [> Subject: Ok, fine. We weren't trying to make you mad. However, Twilight is going to be killed off. That's just a warning that way you can find somewhere else if you want. I'm sorry.

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Date Posted: 16:40:52 12/10/02 Tue

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[> [> [> [> Subject: twilight is going to be killed off, why is that, i had no idea(probably because no one is active, sorry, just slipped out)but why didn't you post about it to anyone, at least i didn't see it?

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Date Posted: 14:05:47 12/18/02 Wed

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[> [> [> [> Subject: twilight is going to get killed off, what for?

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Date Posted: 14:06:49 12/18/02 Wed

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Do you remember when she told Cuewlen about her Flaris bloodlines???

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Date Posted: 12:51:56 12/19/02 Thu

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: yeh, what about it?

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Date Posted: 13:31:11 12/20/02 Fri

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Inside>>>>

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Date Posted: 13:37:37 12/21/02 Sat

The Flaris are coming to CM and when they find out about Twilight, she'll be exicuted for being a Hybrid. Flaris Hybrids' are not allowed and are supposed to be destroyed at birth along with their non-Flaris parent. What the plan is is that they will exicute Twilight for being a Hybrid, but they won't harm Cuewlen or the children because Cuewlen is going to tell them that the children were all adopted. Since only one child carries a Flaris trait (I believe you play her, she's Darkening Tears), they won't have a problem getting away with claiming they're not Twilight's blood children. As for Darkening Tear, she will be protected by Crystal Tears (her adopted sister) whom is a Gaian. Twilight is going to come and explain this all to Cuewlen in a little bit, but she's busy right now. If you need more info, feel free to e-mail me.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: KK, your e'mail his cm_2_to_the_end right, i'll find out what it is


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Date Posted: 08:31:22 12/22/02 Sun

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