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Date Posted: 13:37:37 12/21/02 Sat
The Flaris are coming to CM and when they find out about Twilight, she'll be exicuted for being a Hybrid. Flaris Hybrids' are not allowed and are supposed to be destroyed at birth along with their non-Flaris parent. What the plan is is that they will exicute Twilight for being a Hybrid, but they won't harm Cuewlen or the children because Cuewlen is going to tell them that the children were all adopted. Since only one child carries a Flaris trait (I believe you play her, she's Darkening Tears), they won't have a problem getting away with claiming they're not Twilight's blood children. As for Darkening Tear, she will be protected by Crystal Tears (her adopted sister) whom is a Gaian. Twilight is going to come and explain this all to Cuewlen in a little bit, but she's busy right now. If you need more info, feel free to e-mail me.
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