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Date Posted: 18:25:09 06/02/02 Sun
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Subject: _> how dumb, how foolish, sweet return, sweet RAGE!
In reply to: Des 's message, "...Winds of Rapscallion.." on 12:29:10 06/01/02 Sat

Steed gallops in pon slender yet bold limbs. Carry him cantering in, foir he wasin no rush for this foolish steed would pay. His echoing laugh rang out hidden in discuse for this ignorant fool would pay as Malo did. The steeds silver alicorn glemmed in discuise, for the tip was deadly with power. He appeared wings flarred for this stallion had only challenged him to a game, his laugher rang out once more, "So, was "This Wimp" that you called me to be an insult?" His orbs shot silver with rage, he reared, pawing the air. His horn glowed mighty and from it shot lightning beams in which came the power of the sun for golden sprarkles surrounded the alicorn as it glowed with the powerful strikes. He circled the stallion the lightning beams sturck the enemy with grace, power, and non less than old original pain. His delicate looking hoofs scrambled the air slicing at this foolish stallion, digging harshly at the barrel, for a cut here would infect in a matter of moments. His nares flared with fury, this was his mare and was already pregnant with his next foal. His lips parted to reveal his sharply whitened teeth, he grabbed hold the top of the stallions neck, he tore and ripped searching for the precious jugular vein. The black blood poured down his teeth he only swallowed with joy to taste the blood of a black blood once more, for this was pure joy to him. He returned again with the teeth, at the flank this time ripping this stallions pelt, poison didn't frighten him, for he had seen yet felt worse.He ramed full fource harshley into him, backing up and returning once more raming his mighty chest pon the steed's ribs with fource enough to topple a mountain. He reared dicing the hooves to the stallion's head concentrating on hitting the steeds orbs. He grabbed with the sharpned teeth for where the head met the neck rearing up pulling spider's head up with him bitting harshly for this was fun to him. Beware for Liberty has rung and shook it's fist, countinue and only see worse each blow.

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